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I welcome all followers .I would like to thank you all for following it and highly appreciate your comments and sharing ideas .your comments and sharing is as a support to me .My goal is to defend my rights and any others' right ,making the necessarily changes by all means that is available to me in my country and the whole world to make our life better and for better world.invite your friends to help stop of all sorts of crimes against humanity (I hope to make a universal day to release all political and opinion detainees 25 of April ) to join our students brothers in Russia on this day struggling for a protest for the politiacl prisoners.دفاعا عن المظلومين و المقهورين و حقوق الانسان و الجرائم ضد الانسانيه فى العالم و فى عالمنا العربى خاصة و مصر.قد تشارك هذه المدونه مع اصدقائك او تتبعها فلا تستهين بمشاركتك بتعليق فى دقيقه قد يساهم فى انقاذ افراد او فئات او احيانا ملايين من العالم اشكركم ايجابيتكم فى العمل الحقوقى مع العلم ان هذه المدونه متصله مباشرة فور التعليق او النشر بالعديد من المنظمات الحقوقيه العالميه

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

جدع يا باشا جت فى عينة

On Tuesday, Mahmoud Al Shennawy, a first lieutenant in Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF)  attempted murder. Al Shennawy became known as the 'eye sniper' after the video below circulated online in 2011. It shows Al Shennawy firing on protesters at Mohamed Mahmoud Street in Cairo and deliberately targeting the eyes of protesters. In the video, one of the officers is heard saying "it hit his eye" in Arabic

exactly they said ( The bullet reached the eye of the protester)       (the bullet reached the eye of the kid    )       another one of the forces  replied  ( the bullet reached the eye of his fucking mother )

He is not the only officer who was killing the protesters.........

non of these bloody criminal officers was convicted or sentenced.....another one of the interior  ministry killed 9 people  before the eyes of the citizens and he was acquitted too

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