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I welcome all followers .I would like to thank you all for following it and highly appreciate your comments and sharing ideas .your comments and sharing is as a support to me .My goal is to defend my rights and any others' right ,making the necessarily changes by all means that is available to me in my country and the whole world to make our life better and for better world.invite your friends to help stop of all sorts of crimes against humanity (I hope to make a universal day to release all political and opinion detainees 25 of April ) to join our students brothers in Russia on this day struggling for a protest for the politiacl prisoners.دفاعا عن المظلومين و المقهورين و حقوق الانسان و الجرائم ضد الانسانيه فى العالم و فى عالمنا العربى خاصة و مصر.قد تشارك هذه المدونه مع اصدقائك او تتبعها فلا تستهين بمشاركتك بتعليق فى دقيقه قد يساهم فى انقاذ افراد او فئات او احيانا ملايين من العالم اشكركم ايجابيتكم فى العمل الحقوقى مع العلم ان هذه المدونه متصله مباشرة فور التعليق او النشر بالعديد من المنظمات الحقوقيه العالميه

Monday, March 29, 2010

Next 6 April might be a bloody one

Legal Notice To Cairo Head of Security Youth To Stage A Peaceful March for Declaration of Refusal of Extension of Emergency State Which They Spent Their Lives Enduring Cairo on 29/3/2010 Legal Support Unit for freedom of expression at the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information declared, today ,that they have sent the legal notice # 2636/2010 to Cairo Head of security . ANHRI, being the legal representative of a group of Egyptian young people, informed Cairo Head of security of the intention of this group, who have spent their lives under emergency law, to stage a peaceful protest march on 6th April , 2010. The march is planned to start from Tahrir Square to Parliament House in order to deliver a message of rejection to MPs, that extending of the state of emergency is entirely refused and the marchers will also demand MPs not to vote for state of emergency extension. In the legal notice it was stated that, “The continued state of emergency for more than twenty nine years, indicates that the Egyptian government has either failed to overcome the causes of this unusual situation and eliminate the risk elements allegedly justifying emergency state extension all these long years ,or that the government can no longer control or tolerate opponents or critics of official policies except by enforcing such an unfair law. Marchers are willing to stage a peaceful protest march to express their opinion and request MPs not to approve of any more extensions to emergency law enforcement”. The lawyers of the Arabic Network, as official representatives of these young people, sent a legal notice to Cairo Head of security , as per Act # 14 /1923, which stipulates notifying security with time and place of any peaceful march three day ahead. Gamal Eid, executive director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information said, “These young people, despite the cruelty of such unfair emergency law, have abided to law and notified Cairo Head of security that they are determined to exercise their right in staging this protest march as a core practice of freedom of expression.” The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information calls on Cairo Head of security to commit to law and to allow the march to stage, as per article # 54 of the Egyptian Constitution, which states: “Citizens have the right to private peaceful meeting without arms and without need for prior notice. It is not permissible for security to attend such private and public meetings. Processions and gatherings are permitted within the law”. March starts at noon, Tuesday, April 6, 2010. Course of march: from Tahrir Square, through Kasr AlAini street, to Parliament House It is noteworthy that the 6 April movement unified with other movements and other political powers to demonstrate next 6 of April to the demand of changing the contitutional articles and for nolify the emergency law

1 comment:

Magdi Amer said...

Because of the aggressive action taken by the Egyptian security police these days against students in college Muslims brotherhood group and all protesters who are supporting the change of the constitutional laws articles 76,77,88.the famillies of the detainees who were terrified and abused by the police and other parties of the society, all are at a rage of anger and next 6 April would be very bloody one if the police tried to use any violence against them or even brings his thugs and bullies who some of them are supported by the Egyptian police sometimes against each others and some other times against another people.Also those thugs are used by the national party and police during the election period.

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