Inspirational quote

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Welcome مرحبا

I welcome all followers .I would like to thank you all for following it and highly appreciate your comments and sharing ideas .your comments and sharing is as a support to me .My goal is to defend my rights and any others' right ,making the necessarily changes by all means that is available to me in my country and the whole world to make our life better and for better world.invite your friends to help stop of all sorts of crimes against humanity (I hope to make a universal day to release all political and opinion detainees 25 of April ) to join our students brothers in Russia on this day struggling for a protest for the politiacl prisoners.دفاعا عن المظلومين و المقهورين و حقوق الانسان و الجرائم ضد الانسانيه فى العالم و فى عالمنا العربى خاصة و مصر.قد تشارك هذه المدونه مع اصدقائك او تتبعها فلا تستهين بمشاركتك بتعليق فى دقيقه قد يساهم فى انقاذ افراد او فئات او احيانا ملايين من العالم اشكركم ايجابيتكم فى العمل الحقوقى مع العلم ان هذه المدونه متصله مباشرة فور التعليق او النشر بالعديد من المنظمات الحقوقيه العالميه

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The constitution is violated

صالح فهد عبد الرحمن ياسر فهد
من ام مصرية و اب سعودى توفيا ، مسجون ليس بأى تهم له 7 اشهر فى السجن ، و كلما خرج من السجن يعود مرة اخرى . و يتم القبض عليه ببساطة لانه ليس معه هوية مصرية و لم يستخرج له هوية مصرية . لدية جواز سفر سعودى و الاوراق التى تثبت ان امه مصرية.
و هو مسجون بسجن رقم 1 فى قسم اول المحلة الكبرى.
الدستور المصرى يمنحه الحق فى استخراج اوراقه على انه مصرى الجنسية وفقا للمادة رقم 6

Saleh Fahd Abdul Rahman Yasser Fahd
He is Of an Egyptian mother and a Saudi died, he is imprisoned not for any charges he has spent seven months in prison till now, and whenever released from prison he   returns back again. And he is arrested simply because he doesn't have  an Egyptian identity and did not issued his Egyptian identity , although he tried many times .he has a Saudi passport and papers that prove that his mother is Egyptian.
He is imprisoned in prison No. 1 in the first section Mahalla al-Kubra.
Egypt. The Egyptian Constitution gives him the right to issue his ID cards as Egyptian nationality in accordance with Article 6

Article 6
Nationality is a right for those who are born Egyptian for an Egyptian father or mother, and by the legal recognition and grant him a formal papers to prove his statements
Personal, a right guaranteed by law and organized.
المادة 6
الجنسية حق لمن يولد لأب مصري أو لأم مصرية، والاعتراف القانوني به ومنحه أوراقاً رسمية تثبت بياناته

الشخصية، حق يكفله القانون وينظمه.

It's no more than ink on paper

Humanities have not succeeded in addressing the humanitarian problems or put precise and clear workable theories, these sciences became the reasons that led to the failure of the human thinking to get to the facts and to be able to put good solutions to the problems of a particular community, you must have a comprehensive look and you have enough information and expertise to put solutions to the lack of transparency and integrity, and to the presence of the mutual corrupted interests and corruption .We can say that solutions based on a range of tangled and complex reasons. As those who want to return the problem to one specific reason Only it can not put a practical solution.
So there must be laws or agreed-upon principles and specific and clear in a specific community or to be general for all societies (the international community)( off course not these conditions, laws, and conventions that never applied It's no more than ink on paper) , therefore  there must also be  a strict follow up measures , international inspection, and rules that make all member states  respect those principles and laws. Then some of the people of those areas should participate  in the study of how to develop solutions to solve the humanitarian problems in each community, separately. We can not forget that there are general axioms which can be common in all societies and communities and there should be a good strict  co-controls and follow-up, for example, the  international control for the problem of torture or persecution or repression and oppression ..etc

one way or another, We are all responsible ,the international community stands idly by, or turn a blind eye to many of the crimes committed against humanity .Man is out of one original , even if different language, skin color or his habits acquired in accordance with the conditions and geographical area and many other conditions.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Egyptians lives in danger

Mahala Kobra City
People in danger
Sultan Ibrahim El Saidi
He was absent during his trial in which he was sentenced 25 years in prison for the charge of carrying a firearm. accordingly to what Sultan Ibrahim Saidi said, his house was searched and a rifle weapon and 5 safe weapon and the amount of 63 000 Egyptian pounds were obtained, but Sultan was in Alexandria have not been arrested So an absentia judgment  was issued against him .
Chief of Detectives of  first section of Mahala Kubra, Hassan Abou El Magd replaced the rifle, but did not mention or attach the amount of 63000 LE in the holdings which he found at  the house of Sultan but took it for himself.
Something like that happened in Alexandria at the the arrest of Sultan Ibrahim Saidi at the same time another one was arrested called Al Shenera .  police in the same campaign, where Hassan Abou El Magd  amongst stole amount of 33000 L.E out of Sultan Ibrahim Saidi'Alexandria flat
 On 1st. June  2015 , in  Court , Sultan Ibrahim Saidi, was  acquitted of all the charges against him and to be released unless he was wanted for any other charges. Mahalla al-Kubra the first section of police, the detective chief Hassan Abu al Magd , imprisoned Sultan Ibrahim in an illegal cell, far from the eyes without any legal right and not at the disposal of any issues or crimes,
Sultan should have been released since 1st June 2015 , but until the date of 14th June , he was still imprisoned
Today , is 22nd June 2015 I do not know about him, where he went, also I told Sultan whenever he comes out , he should visit me at my work , just to be sure he is released ,but he hasn't shown up yet.
These are crimes against humanity
Minister of interior is accountable for
The prime minster is accountable for
The president is accountable for
The Sheriff of the first police station ,in Mahala Kubra ;Tariq Attaweya; is accountable for.
The chief detective of the first police station ,in Mahala Kubra ; Hassan Abo Al Magd ;is accountable for.
The prosecutors attorney always condemn the victims and never condemns police officers violate laws nowadays in Egypt
Magdi Sobhi Amer
20,Ali Hamada st.,from 10th.,st,Al manshya al Gedida
Mahalla Kubra,Gharbya,Egypt.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

taking a photo is not a crime

Place : police station the first at Al 
Mahalla Al Kubra , Egypt
Happened to me once again
my tel:00201203844695
 They confiscate my mobile and tried to stick terrorism crime to me,but they could not for many reasons
to be continued 
Only 6 days in Egyptian police station story.
I am Magdi Sobhi Mohamed Ebrahiem Amer.
Date of Birth 17.Jan.1962.
College graduated of collage of Arts and had Post studies for two years in Publics relations and information.
I witnessed all this story and all names and persons mentioned here are real and I met them all.

I stayed in the police station 6 days. I was taking a photo via my mobile , on 4th June 2015 .then, I was abusively self-searched. Mohamed Aamara ; a police officer of the police station no 1 in Mahala Al kubra ,Egypt. ;  was the responsible  and to be accountable at this time when he allowed his people to search all my pockets. They took all (6 police people in civilian cloth) my pockets contents, my mobile phone and my National ID card which are still there . The ID card is kept with the Chief of the criminal investigation of  the police division one , mahalla Kobra , Hassan Abu El Magd ,for the reason I can't submit any complains against them. Also , not to be able to hire a lawyer. In this case they can arrest me more several times with t he excuse of not having ID card or to send me to the court for a session which I did not know when will it to be . All this happened without having any court order. This happened when I was taking photo via my mobile like hundreds of time I did before. but the police officer got out of the police car and headed towards me , telling me to give him my mobile .because  I told him I will never allow anybody to violate my privacy , the international human rights laws and the Egyptian constitution. Then, the police officer and his force considered my words as offense and an insult to stick to my rights. Then, they began to search me by force and took all my pockets contents. I told them many times that I want to close my shop before going with them, but they forced me to get into their car. I told the gathering of the people gathered nearby, "Be my  witness that the police took my phone, Id card and did not let me to close the shop.

When we reached the police station , one of the informant began once again to search me in a provocative and humiliating manner to the extent that he was touching my genitals, Mohammed Ammar ; the police officer ; to to be held responsible for behaving as if he approves what theywere doing .Later , we went up to the Criminal Investigation building and there they began beating , insulting and humiliating me.
Participants in the beat and torture
Mohammed Al Gameel
Officer named Moaz
officer Mohammed Ammar
responsible and accountable as the Chief of the criminal investigation Dept. who uses a methodical torture,beat,insult, fabrication of cases and charges against civilians ,wasting human dignity of all civilians  Hassan Abu  El Magd
Tarek Attawya the sheriff of the police station the first at Al Mahala Al Kobra
White fat is short fat white green eyes who repeated searching me during  speaking  ill and calling me bad names.
Then, they tortured me .forced me to give them my phone password .later, they moved me in a cell with two people who were
Hamada Abd Al Haleem AAmarah was detained from 29th. June 2015 for no charges and never been shown to the prosecutor.
Sultan Ibrahiem Al Saidy who was there since 2nd June 2015  sentenced to be innocent and to be released
later they moved me to the legal detainee
I stayed 6 days in this police station and this was the first day. I wasn't allowed to telephone my lawyer or my family. Nobody knows I am in that police station , but my work neighbors. No one let me know what my charges are. Even the prosecutor (when I was shown to him on Friday 5th.June 2015 ) did show me to medical chick when I told him I was tortured. He did not let me hire a lawyer or didn't bring me any lawyer. He surprised me that I called the police officers bad names. I denied the accusations and told him the true story , but he(the prosecutor) bailed me L.E 1000 .after paying the bail .I wasn't allowed to get out of my detainee as they found another case against me that two people complain I quarreled with them. I never did this in my life but maybe when I was sitting peacefully at the square with others in 2013 demonstrating against ex-president, some of his supporters issued a fake complain against me. So they sent me to the court on 7th June 2015.after doing the necessary formalities at the court ,I should be released at once, but they kept me illegally until 9th.June 2015 .Now I can not move anywhere or even issue a case or submit a complain,because the police kept the ID card and none can issue a complain without showing his ID card to the investigator .
I am a witness for all stories I sent and I will submit a complain once I issue a new ID card ; which takes about 15 days or more ; to the general attorney .
twitter:                          @king_magdi
Tel :   00201203844695
A researcher,blogger,and human rights activist   
Magdi Amer
التقاط صورة ليس جريمة
فى يوم الخميس الموافق 4-6-2015 حوالى الساعة 4:15 م
بينما انا أحاول ان التقط صورة اثناء مرور دورية الشرطة المصرية من ش مصطفى كامل منطقة محب ، خلف نادى البلدية فى مدينة المحلة الكبرى ،من امام الدكان الذى اعمل فيه   و الدورية كانت مكونة من مدرعة ، و ليس اقل من 7 عربات شرطة اخرى ،  نزل ضابط إسمه محمد عمار من سيارة الشرطة- ( فى زى مدنى لا يعلق أى شارة تحمل اسمه او رتبه مثله مثل باقى ضباط الشرطة المصرية اثناء اداءهم عملهم لا يقدم أى معلومات للمقبوض عليه و لا يطلعه على حقوقه الدستورية أو القانونية لا يسمح له بإجراء اتصال هاتفى بمحاميه او ذويه و لو جاءه محاميه او ذويه لا يعرف أحد ان يصل اليه ) _ و حاول ان يأخذ التليفون المحمول و بالفعل حصل عليه بالقوة و تم تفتيشى ذاتيا بطريقة مهينة عن طريق حفنة من افراد الشرطة مع استخدام التهديد و الضرب امام الدكان الذى اعمل فيه ، و تم نقلى الى سيارة الشرطة  ثم الى القسم . على الرغم اننى كنت وحدى فى عملى و كان ينبغى ان اغلق الدكان قبل رحيلى ، و طلبت منهم ذلك عدة مرات الا انهم اخذونى معهم و تركوا الدكان مفتوح فى حراسة الجيران .
و ذلك كله بالمخالفة للدستور و القانون المحلى و القوانين الدولية على النحو التالى :
taking a picture is not a crime
On Thursday, 04.06.2015 at around 16:15
While I was trying to take a picture during the Egyptian police patrol passed by Mustafa Kamel ,Moheb area, behind the municipal Club , city of Mahalla al Kubra, and the patrol was made up of armored, and no less than seven other police vehicles, an officer called Mohammed Ammar got out of the police car - (in civilian clothes,with no signs or badge bearing his name or rank, like the rest of Egyptian police officers while performing their work do not provide any information to the under arrest and not inform him of his constitutional rights or legal ,also he is not allowed to make a telephone call to his lawyer or his family, and if his lawyer tried to reach  none can reach the detainee) _ this officer with the help of other 6 more police civilian dressed people  tried to take my mobile phone and managed to force me to by force .Then I  was self searched  in a humiliating manner by a handful of policemen with the use of threats and beatings in front of the shop where I work, and I was transferred to the police car and then to section . Although I was alone in my work . the shop should have been closed before my departure, I asked them several times, but they took me with them and left the store open in guarding of my neighbors.
all this was in violation of the Constitution and domestic law and international law as follows
عدد من الضباط و رجال الشرطة المصرية فى داخل قسم اول المحلة الكبرى ، قاموا بالضرب و بعدها التعذيب و يدير قسم المباحث الجنائية فيه حسن ابو المجد و يدير القسم كمأمور  طارق عطوية.
فور وصولنا الى القسم بدأ السب و الشتيمة بأسوأ الالفاظ و تفتيش ذاتى مرة اخرى بطريقة تنال من كرامة الانسان و تهينه رغم التفتيش الاول امام الدكان الذى اعمل به و اخذوا منى فى التفتيش الاول كل ما معى فى جيوبى.
كارنيه حقوق انسان منتهى صلاحيته
بطاقة شخصية
بعض الاوراق غير ذا اهمية
و صعدنا الى المبنى الخلفى لقسم المباحث الجنائية من داخل قسم شرطة اول مدينة  المحلة الكبرى ، مصر. و استمرت طوال صعودنا السلم الخلفى الشتيمة و السب و الاهانة و كلما اقتربنا من النهاية كلما زادت حدة السب و الاهانة الى ان وصلنا الى الطرقة فى الدور الاول علوى امام مكتب رئيس المباحث و استمر المشى و السب و الضرب من اكثر من 6 اشخاص
ضابط يدعى معاز
مخبر يدعى محمد الجميل
عدد 3 مخبرين اخرين لا اعرف اسمائهم و لكن اوضحهم لى كان قصيرا ، ابيض ، اخضر العينين ، بدين.
و بعد الضرب دخلنا الى غرفة بالقرب من زنزانة تستخدم كقفص حجز و لكنها بعيدة عن الاعين و تم التعذيب
ربط كل يد على حد بقيد مع تضييقه على اليد ثم ربط القيد بماسورة على ارتفاع 30 سم  بطريقة لا تسمح للشخص بالوقوف او الجلوس او يرتاح على أى جانب يمينا او يسارا و يستمر ذلك الى ان تتورم الايدى و الاذرع بعد على الاقل 6 ساعات
ما يلاحظ ان الالام الناتجة عن ذلك تستمر ليس اقل من 20 يوم لو كان استمر بهذا الوضع 8 ساعات و هذا ما حدث معى .
A number of officers and men of the Egyptian police in Mahalla al-Kubra in the first section, and the Criminal Investigation Department beat me and torture me.
I accuse those who are responsible for all these violations as follow:
Police officer Mohammed Ammar
Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department  Hassan Abu El Magd and  the Sheriff : Tariq Ataweyah and they should be accountable for this
Once we got to the section they began calling me bad names and insulting me with the worst wordy and self-inspection searching again in a way that undermine the  human dignity . despite the first inspection in front of the shop where I work when they took me, at the first self searching and took everything with me in my pockets.
A human right membership card which was expired
My Identification Card which is still with them
Some of non-importance papers
Then  we went up to the rear of the building of the Department of Criminal Investigation of the Police Department within police station the first , city of Mahalla, Egypt. And continued throughout our climb the stairs the more we get closer to the lobby of the criminal investigation department, the more severe insult and stocks with fists and kicks everywhere in my body by  more than 6 people.

Officer named Moaz was one of the gangs beating me severely
Informant named Mohammed Al Gameal
Number of three other informants I do not know their names, but It was very clear to me that one of them was short, white, green eyes, and little fat.
After the beating we entered into a room near the cell used as cage and it is far from the public eye ,It is used for torture ,exile and hiding people illegally.
Linking each hand on the narrow end with the enrollment on the hand and then connect the constraint pipe fixed to the wall parallel to the floor at a height of 30 cm way that does not allow a person to stand or sit or rest on either side right or left and it will continue to swell the hands and arms after at least 6 hours
What it is observed that the resulting pain lasts not less than 20 days if the situation continues in this 8 hours and this is what happened to me.
They moved me twice this the first day after beat and torture me I stayed, for less than one hour, in a cell in which people should be released, but still illegally captured. then, I was moved to the legal place for those who should be exposed to the attorney.
more soon will be added

Thursday, June 11, 2015

انه فى خطر

حمادة عبد الحليم عمارة
من كفر التعبانية
مدرس فى مدرسة خاصة فى مدينة المنصورة
حاصل على عدد من الدراسات العليا
رجلا بسيطا من الريف المصرى ليس له أى انشطة سياسية
معتقل فى قسم أول المحلة الكبرى منذ يوم 29 مايو 2015 حتى اليوم ، و لم يتم عرضه على النيابة ، و لم يتحرر ضده أى قضايا او اتهامات ، مريض بداء السكرى ، عمره 52 سنة ، متزوج و لديه اولاد ، و يقيم فى قرية كفر التعبانية بالقرب من قرية سمنود التابعين للمحلة الكبرى محافظة الغربية، لم يعلم عنه احد من اهله بمكانه و لا يتم زيارته او ارسال طعام له من أى جهة او احد معتقلا فى حجرة يتم تسميتها الثلاجة فى قسم اول فى نفس مبنى قسم المباحث بعد أن تعرض للضرب على يد ضباط و افراد المباحث مرات منهم مرة و هو موضوع عصابة على عينيه .
بالمخالفة للدستور المصرى و كل القوانين و المعايير و الاتفاقيات الدولية لحقوق الانسان تم اعتقاله بواسطة رئيس مباحث قسم اول المحلة الكبرى و يدعى حسن أبو المجد .
نطالب باطلاق سراحه الفورى الغير مشروط.
و محاسبة رئيس مباحث قسم اول المحلة الكبرى ، حسن ابو المجد ، لمخالفته القانون و الدستور و انتهاك حقوق الانسان.
و مأمور قسم اول: طارق عطوية .
كلاهما مسئول عن انتهاك القانون و الدستور و حقوق الانسان و ارتكاب جرائم فى حق الانسانية كلا منهم حسب مسئوليته و مكانته.
و يوجد المزيد من المواطنيين المصريين الذى ينالهم التعذيب و انتهاك الدستور و القوانين بالاختفاء القسرى منهم /سلطان ابراهيم الصعيدى تم تبرئته من كل الاتهامات يوم 1/6/2015 و ظل موجود و انا شاهد على ذلك حتى يوم 9-6-2015 ليس على ذمة اى قضايا و لا اى اتهامات اخرى.
و بعد ارسال هذا التقرير لمنظمة العفو الدولية التى بدورها تحركت و بالتالى تم تحريك حمادة عمارة الى النيابة لا اعلم باى تهم و حكم عليه وكيل النيابة ب 15 يوم حبس احتياطى و ايداعه فى قسم مركز سمنود و لكننى لن اسكت و بالفعل ارسلت للنائب العام و ساستمر فى الدفاع عن حقوق المصريين
الشاهد مجدى الهوان

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

His life is in danger

His life is in danger
Hamada Abdel Halim Aamarah
A teacher in a private school in the city of Mansoura
He holds a number of graduate Studies
He is a humble simple man of the Egyptian countryside who does not have any political activities
He is detained in the first division of the police station department in Mahalla al-Kubra city since May 29, 2015 until today, and has not been presented to the prosecution, and no cases are issued against him or allegations, he is diabetic patient , aged 52 years old, married and has children. He resides in the village of Kafr Altaabaneyah near from the village of Samanoud as part of major locality of the western province, Nobody  of his family or outside the world knows about him or where he is. He can't be visited  and he can't  receive any food or medicine . He is detained in a room which is called the refrigerator in the first section in the same detective department building after he was beaten by officers and detectives twice ,one of them he was  subjected blindfolded.
In violation of the Egyptian constitution and all the laws and standards and international conventions on human rights, he was arrested by Chief of Detectives of Mahalla al-Kubra first section and named Hassan Abu El Magd.
We demand the immediate unconditional release.
Chief of Detectives of Mahalla al-Kubra first section, Hassan Abu El Magd, to be accountable and responsible for all consequences for violating of the law , the Constitution and human rights.
 also Tariq Ataweyah the sheriff is to be accountable too
Both are responsible for violations of the law , the constitution and of human rights as they committed  crimes against humanity both as they hold the whole responsibility.
I stayed with him and another one there for 4 days in the same cell although the prosecutor 
released me.
The witness
Magdi Sobhi Mohamed Ebrahiem Amer
Tel: 00201203844695

N.B : there was another one called Sultan Ibrahiem El Saaedy who was sentenced to be set free and innocent of all charges against him but he is still in the same illegal cell this was until I am still searching where he is .also his life is in danger and also I needed protection >12-6-2015.

  Regarding, Hamadah Aamarah,after I sent to Amnesty International this information he was moved to the prosecutor on 14-6-2015 and his wife told me he was sentenced for 15 days imprisonment reserves.I was informed that he was moved to another police station ( Central police station of the village of Samanoud ) .I don't know on what grounds , but all I know for violating the Int'l law, the constitution and the domestic law,Hamada, should be immediately released and all charges should be dropped.

Therefore, The police officer and the sheriff are be accountant  

 I can prove all this and I need protection too.
This is a methodology procedures in all police stations of Egypt .and there is what is worse

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