the Egyptian dawn visitor are recalled just to arrest at the Egyptian activists violating the international law for human rights and the Egyptian constitution
Ahmed Hamed is a Male youth was arrested last week by a force of police dawn time from his family house and the house was searched without any permit or even any former notice to Ahmed or his family
زوار الفجر
Visitors of dawn
القو القبض على احمد حامد .......دون اى استدعاء...و دون ان يتهرب او يهرب...و دون علمه المسبق.....و دون اخباره لا هو و لا اسرته بسبب القبض عليه...و طريقة القبض عليه كانت بشكل مروع و مخيف و مرعب فى وقت الفجر...دخولهم المنزل بالقوة و بالسلاح ثم القائهم القبض عليه و تفتيش المنزل بشكل مهين و بدون تصريح و بدون اعلامه و لا الاسرة بما يحدث.....مصادرة اى اشياء تخزن المعلومات مثل لاب توب او كمبيوتر او محمول او كاميرا....و اى اوراق او كتب...فى السياسة او الاقتصاد.....
The Forces arrested Ahmed Hamid from Alexandria ....... without any call recall... and he didn't escape or run away ... and without prior knowledge and without telling him, or his family why he was arrested ... and the way he was caught was terrible, horrible and scary and terrifying at the time of dawn ... entering the house by force and arms and then arrest him and search of the house in a degrading manner and without a permit and without communication with the family to give him and his family the rights mentioned in the constitution .....they confiscate any extras stores for data and information such as laptop or computer or laptop or camera .... and any papers or books ... in politics or economics