هذه اهانه للاساتذه الجامعه و الجامعه و الطلاب و المواطنين
و اطالب بناء على ماسبق كل من منظمات حقوق الانسان و المنظمات الاجتماعيه ان تتخذ الاجراءات اللازمه و كذلك رئيس الجامعه و عميد كليه التجاره بالغاء القرار The unversity of Cairo has witnessed a protest today.The sutent o the unversity sit their protest for the reason for defending the rights of 48 student who were deprived from attending the unvesity examination the convection or the excuse of depriving them was that they were political activits and participating in political activities inside and outer the university compus most of whom are of college of commerce
According to the human rights and internatinal and the national laws everybody has the right to express his opinion ,but the security is penterated in all walks of life in Egypt that the university is policized and follow orders of the government This is an insult to the unversity,Ph.Dr. of it ,researchers ,teachers, students and the whole society
I ask all human rights , social organizations to do what is necessary and I ask he unvesity cheif and the Dean of the college to stop and nolify the decree of prevention of those students
Now they are 59 students .