Mustafa El Demery is a teacher at the Sadat Primary School, Department of Osim educationalGiza . security force Entered the school by
force with their armed force which is not affiliated to any section of the
police stations , Mr. Mustafa El Demery was arrested while he was in his work
at the school mentioned above, before the eyes of his fellow teachers in the
same school and the students.
Mustafa El Demery is a teacher at the Sadat Primary School, Department of Osim educational
no one can reach him and no one knows
where he is.This is the same way the new national security apparatus carries
out the arrest of citizens in times of dawn or at any time or place and this is
a violation of human rights. He should be available to his family. his family must
know where he is and how they can communicate with him. According to the
international laws and the Egyptian constitution he has the right to call for a
lawyer before any investigations and or interrogations be visited by his lawyer
and his family .... etc.
It is worth mentioning that the
officer who arrested Mr. Mustafa did not introduce himself to any of the
teachers of the school or even to Mr Mostafa .
This armed forces caused horror while admitting to the school by force with
arms, and terrorized students , teachers and the people live in the same area
where the school is located
The officer did not read to Mr.
Mustafa his rights
The officer who arrested him did not
tell Mr. Mustafa his crimes or offense or why he is arrested, although he did not committed any
We therefore call on the Minister of
Interior, to ask and tell his men not to
do such a violation action again
Also the Prime Minister of the
reality of responsibility according to the new constitution that guarantees the
rights of the Egyptian citizens that sends instructions are not to arrest any
citizen, but according to the constitution
So, We call for the release of Mr. Mustafa
El Demery immediately without any conditions or any fines
We call upon the security forces to
abide by international human rights instruments and abide by the constitution
of Egypt
report writer
Magdi Amer
report writer
Magdi Amer
مصطفى الدميرى هو مدرس فى مدرسة السادات الابتدائية ، التابعه
لإدارة أوسيم التعليمية بالجيزة . دخلت قوة امنية غير تابعة لاى قسم من اقسام الشرطة
، و تم القبض على الاستاذ مصطفى الدميرى اثناء
تواجده فى عمله فى المدرسة المذكورة انفا ، أمام اعين زملاءه المدرسين فى نفس المدرسة
و التلاميذ.
لم يستطيع الوصول اليه احد و لا يعرف مكانه
احد ، بنفس الطريقة يقوم جهاز الامن الوطنى الجديد بالقيام بالقبض على المواطنين فى
اوقات الفجر او فى اى مكان و هذا يعد انتهاكا لحقوق الانسان فلابد ان يتوفر لذويه معرفة
اين هو و كيف يمكن التواصل معه و ان يطلب محاميه و ان يزوره ذويه....الخ
جدير بالذكر ان الضابط الذى قبض علي الاستاذ
مصطفى لم يقدم نفسه نفسه له او لاى شخص فى
اثاروا الرعب بدخولهم الى المدرسة بقوة السلاح
، و روعوا التلاميذ و المدرسين و المنطقة التى تقع فيها المدرسة
لم يقرأ الضابط على الاستاذ مصطفى حقوقه
الضابط الذى قبض عليه لم يخبر الاستاذ مصطفى
بجريمته او لماذا يقبضوا عليه رغم انه لم يرتكب اى جرم
لذلك نطالب وزير الداخلية الا يقدم رجاله على
عمل كهذا
و رئيس الوزراء من واقع مسئوليته وفقا للدستور
الجديد عليه ان يضمن حقوق الممواطنين بان يرسل تعليماته بالا يتم القبض على اى مواطن
الا وفقا للدستور
و نطالب باطلاق سراح الاستاذ مصطفى الدميرى
فورا بلا اى شروط او اى غرامات
و نطالب الاجهزة الامنية بالالتزام بالمواثيق
الدولية لحقوق الانسان و الالتزام بالدستور المصرى