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I welcome all followers .I would like to thank you all for following it and highly appreciate your comments and sharing ideas .your comments and sharing is as a support to me .My goal is to defend my rights and any others' right ,making the necessarily changes by all means that is available to me in my country and the whole world to make our life better and for better world.invite your friends to help stop of all sorts of crimes against humanity (I hope to make a universal day to release all political and opinion detainees 25 of April ) to join our students brothers in Russia on this day struggling for a protest for the politiacl prisoners.دفاعا عن المظلومين و المقهورين و حقوق الانسان و الجرائم ضد الانسانيه فى العالم و فى عالمنا العربى خاصة و مصر.قد تشارك هذه المدونه مع اصدقائك او تتبعها فلا تستهين بمشاركتك بتعليق فى دقيقه قد يساهم فى انقاذ افراد او فئات او احيانا ملايين من العالم اشكركم ايجابيتكم فى العمل الحقوقى مع العلم ان هذه المدونه متصله مباشرة فور التعليق او النشر بالعديد من المنظمات الحقوقيه العالميه

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bullying and arogancy of the police

Pictures and video ... Key accused of "cell El Zaytoun" one of the accused took off his clothes before the Court reveals "signs of torture,on his body" and the defense reveals the disappearance of medical reports and requests hear the testimony of the state security chief and the director of Public Security Mahmoud Saad ( Al Youm El Sabeaa )wrote The second session saw the trial of 25 accused cause a cell of Al Zaytoun,Court of the Supreme State Security Emergency surprise when represented in the second defendant Mohamed Khamis Ibrahim, the alleged charges of armed robbery of a jewelry store owner was killed Cleopatra jewelry shop owner at Al Zaytoun;Makram Adhir; and four of his staff and the formation of loyalty and confidentiality of Enmity and advocacy to break the system of government by force and assaulting police officers Christians and foreign tourists and their money and property regarding as permissible and the targeting of public facilities and the waterway of the Suez Canal and passing ships for disturbing public order and endangering the safety risk,took his clothes off and revealed the upper half of his body, which is manifest by the effects of torture and flogging at the hands of the SSI.Clear implications for the tortured body of a key accused in the case of Al Zaytoun paid adviser El-Hussaini President of the Tribunal to call Mohammed Khamis, and out of the dock and discussed over 7 minutes of steady and face to face and see the clear marks of torture in different parts of his body near.During that discussion,Mohammed Khamis that he was subjected to physical torture at the SSI is higher in the skin of the back, electric shocks, and Khamis addressed his state of his indictment to the President of the Court Counsel that Attorney General Taher El-Kholy of the Supreme State Security Prosecution that he adds words not mentioned in the investigations from the ground up.Having completed his early Radwan Farag, Mamdouh Ismail, a lawyer shock of the disappearance of papers for the serious medical reports of the case file, despite confirmation, to investigations, these papers is that a key accused Mohammed Khamis was referred to the hospital Manial University, which proved that suffered from epilepsy, and a further report Ahmed Sayed Sharawi prove neurological injury convulsions hearings for the security of the State Supreme Procuratorate.and so on. And picked up the camera on the seventh day a video clip of the main accused Mohammad Khamis, take off his cloak and reveals the effects of torture as well as another section begins his exit from the dock and walked towards the court and off gown for the second time within walking distance of the judge, and the third section of the third accused Radwan Faraj, echoing the argument of the " O sovereign judge .. I say to the dictates of the officers connected SSI. My comment I agree that they might be criminal and should be harshly condmned,but they are human being.Also what is mentioned about adding statements and words that were not in the investigations is something true I believe in this always happens in all Egyptian police investigations I am a witness of similar incedents.Concernibg tortureing people is something happens every second of the day and I am a witness for similar issues.

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