Ahmed Doma one of Egyptian bloggers who had been arrested before. and
after his release, Egyptian Interior Ministry tries to arrest him again under false pretenses and use a new phenomenon which is considered by the Interior Ministry's genius in the performance to accused of demonstrators that they attacked the officers to fabricate charges against the demonstrators . Ahmed Doma was accused of attacking some of the Egyptian officers and police men .worth mentioning that Ahmed Doma was kidnapped while he was given his back to one of the officers who arrested him from among the peaceful demonstrators when the police men began to catch some of them and beat some of them on May 3, 2010 and witnesses has filmed the event video on their mobile phones to show That's going Ahmed Doma were arrested him from behind without any Musbandato a result of investigations Fake been suspended pending investigation 4 days until he was sentenced to another term for more terrorism for bloggers and activists, and building on the above I urge the Minister of Interior and the Minister of Justice Egyptian interference in the the release of blogger Ahmed always immediately without any restriction or condition and according to international laws and Article 19 and also in accordance with Article 54 in the Egyptian constitution, and I appeal to all human rights organizations in solidarity with Ahmed Doma Until his release
الناشط والمدون المصري طارق خضر وهو طالب في جامعة الاسكندرية لاستمرار اختطافه إلى جهة مجهولة على خلفية من جمع توقيعات تدعو إلى تغيير الدستور ، وكان قد اختطف امام بوابة الجامعة واعتقاله في مكان لم يكشف عنه. وكان قد تم خطفه في 26 آذار / مارس. الجدير بالذكر انه كان من المقرر أن يتم اعتقاله قبل ذلك ب3 أيام قبل هذا التاريخ عندما قوات الشرطة التي ارسلت لحضوره من قبلهم الى افتعال جريمة ضده في حين أنه رفض أن يذهب إلى مركز الشرطة. الشرطة رتبت لاختطافه من امام الجامعه

Another Egyptian activist and blogger Tariq Khader who is a student at the unversity of Alex for the continuation of his abduction to an unknown destination on the back of collecting signatures calling for changing of the constitution, and was kidnapped in front of University gate and his arrest in an undisclosed location .He was kidnapped on 26 March .noteworthy he was to be arrested before that 3 days before this date when the police sent for his attendance before them to fabricate a crime against him whereas he refused to go to the police station.thee police arranged for his abduction .It is illesgal to detainee anyone in the unknown in accordance with the international law of the human rights and she be met by a lawyre plus to be visited by his family. So Tarek Khidr is to be released immediately without any conditions