we understand what distinguishes and gives legitimacy to a law which is endorsed by the majority of the parliament only expresses what the government wanted to do,this majority which won the elections by forging votes and some other of them by bribes and buying the votes of the very poor people whereas some of them too won by bullying .This does not mean the majority of people, but if it really does,It will express and represnt the majority of the Egyptian society.However,the majority in the parliament represents the ruler and his party to impose on the people's views and the laws approved by a majority in parliament won the fraud and to circumvent the laws and therefore.
I believe that Egyptian People's Assembly does not represent the Egyptians and not expressing their opinions and do not defend their rights, but rather pass laws that allow and provide the appropriate atmosphere for the ruling party with all the features that are keeping it in power as long as possible. of these laws in 1962 law permit the taking of organs of the body of the deceased without his permission before his death or permission of his family after his death, after the amendment to this law in 2003 and this is not considered a law, but rather is stealing organs of the dead and is a crime not a law and contrary to international law and regulations .
القرنية هي شفافة الجزء الأمامي من العين الذي يغطي القزحية ، تلميذ ، و الغرفة الأمامية . Together with the lens , the cornea refracts light, accounting for approximately two-thirds of the eye's total optical power . [ 1 ] [ 2 ] In humans, the refractive power of the cornea is approximately 43 dioptres . [ 3 ] While the cornea contributes most of the eye's focusing power, its focus is fixed. جنبا إلى جنب مع العدسة ، القرنية ينكسر الضوء ، وهو ما يمثل الثلثين تقريبا من العين اجمالي
At a meeting on May 26, 2010 Ministry of Health has this The meeting, which was a press conference designed to respond to provoke a young Egyptian who his wife died in an accident and when he went to the hospital to receive the objects, of course, according to the law the deceased body delivers to one of the security accompanied by a relative of the deceased and therefore took the body . then,they went to another hospital to receive the permission for burial when they found that the hospital, the latter did not accept to receive the body because there the cornea had been extracted and placed with glass ones . therefore, the husband of the deceased and those with him went to the hospital first and during the debate which was included with thug from by the officials of the hospital whrere he was told at the end after several contacts that there is a law that allows them to remove the cornea of the deceased in the accident or the deceased who has no relatives , as evidenced by or convicts to be sentenced to death ,The press conference was also believed that Minister of Health and his accompanions took it for a legal response, and though nothing had happened and this is another way to impose the views and laws over the Egyptian People in a thug manner .Some of people commented on this conference and the law on tv channels and publics opinion ,said that we in this case of permanent fatigue during our lifetime and be insulted when departing as violation of the sanctity of the dead is not acceptable. finally, enacted law that was passed in 2003 conceded that the person who did not forbide giving or donating his organs is considered agreed to offer and donate his organs after his death..what is funny every Egyptian citizen including Mubarak did not sign any paper to fobide donating his organs and also the law does not offer the procedure of doing such formalities . this is a disregard of other people's minds and using bully in dealing with the important things also is uncivilized. So, according to the above we get the following conclusion
The sanctity of the dead is sanctified by all religions and man-made laws in the whole world and so enacting such a law must be in the form and shape of the civilizational manner
this law must be abolished and on its designated date until other legislation, more civilized and respect for the sanctity and desecration of the dead commensurate with religions and international charters
It is necessary for the Egyptian government to recognize that such an action is not a law and criminality, and supersede community participates in the enactment of laws affecting them and care about and should not be passed .Accountable Must be held to whom carried out this criminal act .Appropriate compensation for those affected by this law

لابد من الغاء هذا القانون و العمل به من تاريخه لحين تشريع اخر اكثر حضاريه و احتراما لقدسيه و حرمات الموتى يتناسب مع الاديان و المواثيق الدوليه
لابد للحكومه المصريه ان تعترف بان عمل كهذا يعتبر اجراما و ليس قانونا و يجبان يشارك المجتمع فى سن القوانين التى تخصه و تهمه و لا يجب تمريرها يجب محاسبه من قام بهذا العمل الاجرامى التعويض المناسب للمتضررين من هذا القانون