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I welcome all followers .I would like to thank you all for following it and highly appreciate your comments and sharing ideas .your comments and sharing is as a support to me .My goal is to defend my rights and any others' right ,making the necessarily changes by all means that is available to me in my country and the whole world to make our life better and for better world.invite your friends to help stop of all sorts of crimes against humanity (I hope to make a universal day to release all political and opinion detainees 25 of April ) to join our students brothers in Russia on this day struggling for a protest for the politiacl prisoners.دفاعا عن المظلومين و المقهورين و حقوق الانسان و الجرائم ضد الانسانيه فى العالم و فى عالمنا العربى خاصة و مصر.قد تشارك هذه المدونه مع اصدقائك او تتبعها فلا تستهين بمشاركتك بتعليق فى دقيقه قد يساهم فى انقاذ افراد او فئات او احيانا ملايين من العالم اشكركم ايجابيتكم فى العمل الحقوقى مع العلم ان هذه المدونه متصله مباشرة فور التعليق او النشر بالعديد من المنظمات الحقوقيه العالميه

Monday, April 19, 2010

اطلق علينا الرصاص Shoot at us with your bullets

اطلق علينا الرصاص
 .هذا شعار وقفة احتجاجيه يوم الثلاثاء القادم الموافق 20 ابريل الساعه 12 ظهرا امام مجلس الشعب و سيقوم بتنظيمها مجموعه من شباب مصر ردا على النقاش الذى تم فى مجلس الشعب المصرى امس يوم الاحد 18 ابريل..نظرا لما تشهده مصر فى الاونه الاخيره من وقفات احتجاجيه من فئات مختلفه من الشعب كل له مطالبه.و لا يقوم الرد على مطالب الجماهير اى من المسئولين لان الحكومه المصريه لها سياسه عامه تقول نحن ديموقراطيين و نعطيك الحق ان تتكلم و تنقد و لكن "اضرب دماغك فى عرض الحائط" و قلما تستجيب الحكومه الى المطالب الا اذا كانت تمس حاجات فئه عريضه قويه لها نقابه و لها تأثير فى الحياه اليوميه و على الشعب.و رغم ذلك توجد وقفات يوميه و منها ايضا وقفة ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصه لها اكثر من شهرين دون جدوى و كذلك وقفات عمال و موظفين فى شركات حكوميه تم بيعها للقطاع الخاص و تم استغلال العمال و طردهم و تقليص عددهم ..و رغم ذلك كله لم تقوم الحكومه المصريه بقمع او ضرب او القبض عليهم ..اما اذا تعلق الامر بمطالب سياسيه تسمع اصوات من داخل الحزب الوطنى و فى البرلمان المصرى و كثيرا من الصحف القوميه و المواليه للنظام المصرى بالولاء تصف تلك الوقفات الاحتجاجيه بانها غير شرعيه و يهاجمهم البوليس و يقبض عليهم و يقمعهم و يضربهم بوحشه و يهينهم و يعرضهم للتعذيب النفسى و الجسدى و الجنسى... فى البرلمان امس ارتفع صوت نواب الحزب الوطنى وصل بهم الى حد السب و الاشتباك بالايدى مع اخرين فى البرلمان و كان على راسهم نائب يسمى نشات القصاص و اخر اسمه احمد ابو عقرب مطالبتهم ان على وزارة الداخليه ان تكون اكثر حسما مع هؤلاء المتظاهرين و يطلقوا عليهم الرصاص و حاولو اكساب شرعية تلك الاقوال و تدعيمها بمغالطات ان تلك الوقفات غير شرعيه و تهدد الامن العام و القومى المصرى و ان رجال الامن من سلطاتهم الحفاظ على الامن و بالتالى الحفاظ على الامن يعطى الحق لرجال الامن اطلاق النار بالرصاص الحى على المتظاهرين.
ليس بغريب لاضفاء الشرعيه فى اسلوب ممنهج فى مشروع جديد للحكومه المصريه لاذلال شعب مصر بنات و شباب و اهانتهم و تخويفهم و ارهابهم فى برنامج على القناة الاولى صباح اليوم يشير الضيف و هو اسمه خالد رئيس تحرير جريدة المساء ان 4 ضباط تعرضو للسرقه بالاكراه بجوار سيارتهم و هم فى زى مدنى ...و يوكد السيد خالد ان هؤلاء الضباط كان يجب ان يطلقوا النار على اللصوص و لو مات احدهم او ماتوا فى داهيه ..هكذا كان فكر رجل اعلامى كبير مدير تحرير جريدة المساء و لكن ليس غريب انه يتم تعيين كل رؤساء التحرير فى الجرائد القوميه مصر بهؤلاء الذين ينتمون للحزب الوطنى بالعضويه او الولاء و كان الحزب الوطنى المستعمر و شعب مصر كله تحت احتلال و احذر من تصميم الحكومه المصريه على كبت و قمع و ضرب و اذلال هؤلاء المحتجين و اناشد كل المنظمات الحقوقيه و رجال الاعلام بالتواجد لمنع المجازر التى يقوم بها رجال الامن المصرىانا اقول لهم اطلقوا النار ...اطلقوا النار ...اطلقو النار على كل من يقول تحيا مصر تحيا مصر و على كل
من ينادى بحياه كريمه و السلام فى العالم
Shoot at us with your bullets

This is a logo for a protest on next Tuesday(Tomorrow, 20 April at 12 o'clock before the people assemly building,Cairo.It will be organized by a group of young Egyptian youth in response to the debate, which was in the Egyptian Parliament on Sunday April 18.Accordingly to the events of protest of the stops of different categories of the people that Egypt witnesses recently of all Egyptian different communities,each of which has its own demandsbut the government or any of the officials does not respond to the demands of the masses because the Egyptian government has a general policy,says,We are democrats, we give you the right to speak and criticize, but "hit the wall in your brain" ,The government rarely respond to the demands only if they affect the needs of a broad category or to those who have been powerful Association and have an impact on daily life and the people.though there are stops(protesting stops or sits) every day and also include the protest of special needs they have more than two months to no avail and also stops of the workers and employees in state-owned companies were sold to the private sector and they have been the exploitation of employers , expulsion and reducing their number .. and although all of this, this was not the Egyptian government did not the suppress ,beat or arrest those protesters .. but If the protesters are not biggers and they are claiming their political rights,We hear and listen to loud voices within the National Party members in the Egyptian parliament and a lot of national newspapers,the pro-Egyptian regime loyalty describe these vigils as illegal and they are attacked by police and arrested, beaten oppressed ,forbidden,banned,insulted and exposed to psychological and physical torture and sexual abusive assaulted  . In parliament voice arose of the ruling National Democratic Party reached the extent of their insults and blows with others in parliament and was headed by Nash-At Al Qasas and another named Ahmad Abu Al Aaqrab their claim that the Interior Ministry to be more assertive with these demonstrators and shoot them dead, They tried hard to give legitimacy repressing,suppressing and shooting protesters, strengthening the falsifying facts of criminate all protesters as they are illegitimate and threaten public security and the Egyptian national and security men of their authority to maintain security and thereby preserve the Security given the right to security men to shoot demonstrators by gun shots at them
It is not that strange that the Natinal party and the Egyptian government use a methedoligical and systematic way to llegitimate their own methods of humaliating,oppressing and killing Egyptians and protesters especially those.It is the Egyptian trial to give a threat and horrify and terrify Egyptians who need political changes.
The Egyptian first Tv. channel this morning,The guet was the chief editor of "Al Masae" newspaper named,"Khaled" referred t the event of robbing 4 police officers under threat of white weapons (which I think it was a fabricated story) The editor "Khalid",asserted that the 4 oficers had their guns and they would have shoot the robbers down and kill one of them or all ,hell with them he continued and he said If I were them,I would killed them. It is not strange that all editors are assigned and promoted by the security and th national party . those who belong to the National Party membership or loyalty. the National Party, the colonizer and the people of Egypt, all under the occupation.So be caution and aware that the Egyptian government still insists on repression , suppression , torture and humiliate these protesters.
I appeal to all human rights organizations and the men of the media presence to prevent the massacres would be carried out by Egyptian security men, I tell them fire ... fire ... fire at fire at anyone who says long live Egypt.....long live Egypt.... and both advocated a life of dignity and peace in the world.

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