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I welcome all followers .I would like to thank you all for following it and highly appreciate your comments and sharing ideas .your comments and sharing is as a support to me .My goal is to defend my rights and any others' right ,making the necessarily changes by all means that is available to me in my country and the whole world to make our life better and for better world.invite your friends to help stop of all sorts of crimes against humanity (I hope to make a universal day to release all political and opinion detainees 25 of April ) to join our students brothers in Russia on this day struggling for a protest for the politiacl prisoners.دفاعا عن المظلومين و المقهورين و حقوق الانسان و الجرائم ضد الانسانيه فى العالم و فى عالمنا العربى خاصة و مصر.قد تشارك هذه المدونه مع اصدقائك او تتبعها فلا تستهين بمشاركتك بتعليق فى دقيقه قد يساهم فى انقاذ افراد او فئات او احيانا ملايين من العالم اشكركم ايجابيتكم فى العمل الحقوقى مع العلم ان هذه المدونه متصله مباشرة فور التعليق او النشر بالعديد من المنظمات الحقوقيه العالميه

Sunday, May 30, 2010

أضرب رأسك فى عرض الحائط......Hit your head against the wall

السيد رافت مصطفى هو مواطن مصرى خريج جامعى تعرض لعمليه نصب و خسر التاكسى الذى اشتراه من احد الضباط الذين لانه رفض الخضوع له حينما قال له ادفع بقية النقود ثم اقوم بالتسجيل لك فى الشهر العقارى و المرور لنقل الملكيه و هذا هو العرف الموجود فى تعاملات بيع السيارات و لكن عندما رفض الاستاذ رافت مصطفى و قال من الشائع يتم التسجيل ثم دفع الدفعه الاخيره......و لان الضابط ..تعود البلطجه ..و لانه مريض بالساديه و جنون العظمى و جنون القوة ...فقام بسرقة السياره و اصبح الاستاذ رأفت لا يملك شىء و بالتالى اصبح بلا عمل ...و عاش على ما حدث رغم انه تقدم بشكوى و اثبت كل شىء بالاوراق ..و لان الفساد مستشرى فى مصر من قمتها الى اسفلها و البلطجه هى القانون الشائع و الذى يحكم كل الامور ...و غياب القانون و حتى اجراءاته و اسلوب المحاسبه و المتابعه ...فانقلبت الموازين اصبح البلطجى هو السيد و المحترم العبد و ضاعت قضيته ضحية الفساد و البلطجه و القوه .
الاستاذ رأفت بعد ذلك واجهته مشكله اخرى و هى اضطهاد ابنته فى المدرسه و طردها من المدرسه ..و هى فى نفس سن بنات اخريات تم قبولهم فى العام الدراشسى ..اما ابنته فلم يتم قبولها ...تقدم بالشكاوى تصاعديا من ناظر المدرسه حت رئيس الجمهوريه الذى لا يرى و لا يبت فى اى مشكله من مشاكل شعبه ...فهو الغائب المغيب ...و مع العلم ان الاستاذ رأفت تعرض للضرب عن طريق رجال الامن فى وزارة التربيه و التعليم و قيل له هل تريد مقابله رئيس الامن يا صعلوك ...هكذا هى ثقافة رجال الدوله ..فالمواطن العادى صعلوك و لا يحق له ان يقابل رئس الحرس فكيف له ان يقابل الوزير ..(الوزير المصرى ليس مخلوق عادى و لا حتى ملاك ..قد يكون اكبر من ذلك )
ذهب الاستاذ رأفت الى مجلس الشعب و لم يفيده احد و مرت الايام الى ان بدأ يعتصم امام مجلس الشعب لمده اكثر من شهر هو و ابناءه الثلاثه و عندما تم تصويره و عرضه فى الجرائد و التليفزيون ..تحدث وزير التربيه و التعليم الى البرنامج قائلا ان ابنته لها الحق فى ان تدخل العام الدراسى و تلتحق بالصف الاول الابتدائى و لكن اصبحنا فى منتصف العام الدراسى و بالتالى فاتها هذا العام و بالتالى ليس لها الحق فى المطالبه بدخول هذا العام و استمر فى اعتصامه مطالبا بحق ابنته الاستاذ رافت و لكن وزيره الاسره و التى قد كان اخطرها بالمشكله منذ اكثر من شهر تقدمت ضده بشكوى لدى النائب العام بدلا من ان تحاول ان تضع له حلا لمشكلته ..هكذا هم وزراء مصر المحترمين ..قمع و الضغط على الرجل و تهديده بالسجن ...لتكميم فمه ...و تظل المشكلات كما هى و تتفاقم ...مع العلم ان الدول العربيه ليست كالدول الاوروبيه بانها تهتم بالاسره و الطفل و توجد فيها مؤسسات للعنايه بالاطفال اذا عاملهم اوللياء امورهم معاملة سيئه..بمعنى اخر اذا تم تطبيق القانون الاوروبى على رأفت و تم سجنه 6 اشهر ..هذا يعنى ان ابناءه يتم تشريدهم و لا يلقوا المعامله الجيده ...و هنا الفجوه التى يجب ان نهتم بها و اخيرا نرى ان من حق ابنته ان تدخل العام الدراسى الاول الابتدائى ..باى شكل او وسيله و يضاف الى ذلك يجب الدوله ان تعوض الطفلة و ابيها ما حدث لهم من ضرر مادى و معنوى من هذه الاجراءات التعسفيه
In the picture you can see the children telling the public opinion ,"You'd better hang us to deprive us our rights".
Mr. Raafat Mostafa is an Egyptian citizen college graduates were subjected to a set and lost his taxi was bought from one of the police officers who he refused to submit to him when he said to him pay the rest of the money then I will register your taxi in real estate and traffic to transfer ownership ,but when he refused ,Mr Mostafa Rafat  said it is common to register, and then pay the final installment ,this is the custom located in the auction sale of cars. because the officer  accostomed to be a thug . and he was sick of sadism , madness of greatness and mad of power , the  officer stole the car .Mr. Raafat lost everything, and thus left without a job ... and lived on what happened, although he filed a complaint and proved all the necessary documents,but  because of corruption widespred  in Egypt from top to the bottom is  that  thug is the common law, which governs all things. .. and the absence of law and even the procedures and method of accountability and follow-up ... swerved balances became Bully is Mr. and esteemed person lost his case and becomes the victim of corruption, thug and strength.
Mr. Raafat then faced another problem . the persecution of his daughter at school, expulsion from school where she is at the same age as other girls were admitted in the educational  year .his daughter has not been  accepted although there are some kids are same age and were enrolled and accepted to the same educational year. complaints made ... upward from the school headmaster to President Mubarak who does not see and not be a decision in any issue of problems of his people alleging that we are an institutional state although the documenty and authinticity of anything in Egypt is an absent culture for example a police officer never shows you hid Id or name and non of the officials hold a badge the shows his name or rank or position in another episodes electricty gauge meter reader or the money collectors of Gaz,electricity or water they come to our houses we don't know how to know if they belong to the company or the government or not...and so on  . It was revealed to us  that Mr. Raafat was beaten by security officers in the Ministry of Education and was told"Do you like to meet security chief, O wretch."  so, is the culture of citizen statesmen .. ordinary tramp, and had no right to offset remains exclusively guard so how is it that corresponds to the Minister . (The Egyptian minister is not an ordinary creature, and not even an angel .. might be greater than that or might be an object or think that is completely different than us maybe  too more and more supperior to the inferrior to meet)
Mr. Rafat  went to the NPC and did not benefit him .  the days passed that he began marching in front of the People Assembly for more than a month he and his three kids. when they were photographed and displayed in newspapers and television .. The Minister of Education talked to the tv. program, saying that his daughter has the right to enter the school year and enroll in first grade, but we are in the middle of the school year and thus her death this year and therefore has no right to lay claim to this year ,but Mr Raafat continued in his retreat demanding the right of his daughter, Mr. Ralph, but Minister of Family, which may The most serious problem over a month ago made him a complaint with the Attorney General rather than trying to put her solution to his problem .. So they are respected Minister of Egypt .. and the suppression of pressure on the man and threatening to jail ... to cover his mouth ... and the problems remain as it is, and worse ... with the knowledge that Arab states were not the type of Europeans where there is an interest in family, children, and there are institutions for the care of children if ill-treatment is witnessed or reported. in other words, if the application of European law and Rafat has been jailed 6 months . this means that his children are being displaced and not treated the best . so, here is the gap that we have to concentrate and finally see that the right of his daughter to enter the first primary school year , by any form or medium and add to that the state must compensate the girl child and her father for what happened to them material damage and significant of these arbitrary measures
Still the government answer is that,"Hit your head against the wall."
here he sits his complaint which started that there were two kids who are  a month and two months younger than his daughter ,but were enrolled and registered for the same year because they were able to have the signature of the education minister ended at the government should hang,kill and terminate all the poor and humble citizens

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