Inspirational quote

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Welcome مرحبا

I welcome all followers .I would like to thank you all for following it and highly appreciate your comments and sharing ideas .your comments and sharing is as a support to me .My goal is to defend my rights and any others' right ,making the necessarily changes by all means that is available to me in my country and the whole world to make our life better and for better world.invite your friends to help stop of all sorts of crimes against humanity (I hope to make a universal day to release all political and opinion detainees 25 of April ) to join our students brothers in Russia on this day struggling for a protest for the politiacl prisoners.دفاعا عن المظلومين و المقهورين و حقوق الانسان و الجرائم ضد الانسانيه فى العالم و فى عالمنا العربى خاصة و مصر.قد تشارك هذه المدونه مع اصدقائك او تتبعها فلا تستهين بمشاركتك بتعليق فى دقيقه قد يساهم فى انقاذ افراد او فئات او احيانا ملايين من العالم اشكركم ايجابيتكم فى العمل الحقوقى مع العلم ان هذه المدونه متصله مباشرة فور التعليق او النشر بالعديد من المنظمات الحقوقيه العالميه

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Egypt 2015

Egypt started doing some measurements thst violste human right in a way that never preceded before
In my town Mahsla Kubra ,a friend of mine has just told me that he went to the police station ,yesterday,to relesse a young youth who eas arrested for no charged or accusations with his poor fsther.My friend has good relations eith police officers as friends .this was he went with the poor father.
Hrle tild mebthat sn officer there told him thst there sre more than 1280 studends and teenagrrs who are arrested .and the police officers can not do anything to release or mediate for any of the detainees.they will be detsined until after 25 th. Jan. .
The Egyptian regimr arresting  1180 person in one town for fear of the predicted revolution next Jan. 2016 .
USA and other international community assist dictators snd non democrscy regimes for only achieving  their favors and interests .those create violence,extremism,mob,terror and hatred .
And fir the internet in Egypt is very dlow and weak for two months now snd is beciming more worth .
For the media the government controls the mass media for forging the kinds snd thought of the citezens with help of some stupid broadcasters spew accusations and hatred to all who try to criticize the government or the regime.
Broadcaters call opponents betrayers,spies,agents for foreign powers and USA .
This urge the simple minded or normal people to hate foreigners and the USA .

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tamir Rice's death: A lawful tragedy

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Egyptian police obsessions

Ramy Yosef
A friend to me on Facebook 
His account link is as follow:

wrote today
On 19-8-2015

His younger brother was arrested while he was participating in a running  marathon 
His charge was that his presence in a place where the brotherhood accustomed to appear in.
 He took part in the marathon to run and then he was arrested. Because he was to being in the street Brotherhood accustomed appear in . Brotherhood has not been caught , but he was arrested
 To :
El Sisi ,the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior
You are responsible for the violations committed in Egypt In all police stations the methodically  of fabricating the charges for young people and claim they are brotherhood. This obsession of  Brothers makes the Egyptian police arrest people randomly and cook and fabricate charges .This must have been a control and a stop.
شارك فى ماراثون للجرى و بعد ذلك تم القبض عليه . لانه كان يجرى فى شارع اعتاد الاخوان الجرى فيه . لم يقبض على الاخوان و لكنه قبض عليه 
للسيسى و رئيس الوزراء ووزير الداخلية
انتم مسئولين عن الانتهاكات التى ترتكب فى كل اقسام شرطة مصر بتلفيق التهم للشباب و ادعاء انهم اخوان و فبركة اتهامات  .هذا الهوس لابد و ان يكون له نهاية

Thursday, August 13, 2015

امين شرطة يضرب ويسحل شاب على رصيف محطة مترو دارالسلام

On Monday, 10/08/2015 20:00 am at Dar as Salaam Metro
There was a group of youth people
teasing and sexually harassing the fiancée of a youth who sheltered to the
police there and the security of the station and the police soldier refused to
protect her from the sexual assault then this youth kept blaming the security
police soldiers .Then other security police soldiers at the Metro station
gathered around this youth and began beating him at the seen of his blaming the
police soldier
Then this youth after being
beaten announced he would submit a complaint. A secretary police asked what it
is about; the youth began telling the story. The police secretary told him that
there wills no any complaint to be written or filed.  The youth said I won't leave here before editing
an official  complaint .the secretary
police began calling the youth bad names and beating him .telling him do you
want your rights, this is your right
                      Now, another problem

The youth recorded the event
is in danger and the police is investigating about him. His neighbors told him
that informants and police are questing about him and his address.

#لازم_نفهم | محافظ الدقهلية : لا أعمل لدي المواطنين




I don;t know whether this citizen at the studio is paid for making trouble and is a lair.

I am not at the service of the citizens

This the way the Egyptian official think and believe.

The Egyptian governor of Daqahleya ,accuses the citizen as liar .It is not personal.,but most of the Egyptian officials take it personal. also they have the culture that they are the masters and the others are slaves.

Hosam El Deen Emam , the governor of Daqehlya says:

that he doesn't work for the citizens and also the citizens do not pay his salary.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

WHS: Localizing preparedness and response

WHS: Localizing preparedness and response

Good efforts  are done to end the suffering of the people of the world.However, the efforts ,in my point of view, should be directed to how to end wars and conflicts in its bud and to make necessary studies  to predict the regions of crisis and disasters to make all necessary preparedness in addition to the effort done to provide services and assisstance to those affected by allsorts of crisis or disasters

Sunday, August 9, 2015

المؤبد لـ8 محامين وحبس آخر 3 سنوات وبراءة 13 في «إهانة القضاء» بالمنيا | المصري اليوم

المؤبد لـ8 محامين وحبس آخر 3 سنوات وبراءة 13 في «إهانة القضاء» بالمنيا | المصري اليوم

In ElMenya, Egypt.

The court sentenced 8 layers for life time ,another layer for 3 years but 13 others innocent in the case called Insulting the judiciary the event happened in 2013.

when they were charged by trying to break into the courtroom and  prevent the judge from the performance of his duty in March 2013

The court listened to the police officers as witnesses.

noteworthy here:

No police officer in Egypt says the truth, they used to fabricate crimes to innocent people.and if there is a witness , why couldn't he a civilian citizen?

Egyptian citizens by the way rarely state what they witnessed because of fear of the police.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

No wonder why their conduct is brutal


Mohamed Abd Al Nabi Khalil Al Showeekh is and Egyptian of 22 years of age, who was killed at the hands of the police of Embaba police station , Cairo.
He did not belong to any political party.he was severely and cruelly beaten by the Embaba police station' secretaries.

El Sisi before becoming a president in Egypt promised police and army not to be punished if injured or killed ....there wouldn't be any accountability.
these the words of El Sisi
Eye witnesses said after he was beaten severely , he was transported  to  the central hospital where he died there affected with his pains and injury.
Mohamed, was stopped when he was returning home from his job at the region of the Fifth Avenue. The police individuals stopped him ,said and did  Provocative words and actions that made him angry .then , the police charged him with fabricated charges that he carried Heroin.

They took him to the police station called Imbaba police station at Imbaba district where he was beaten with no mercy with a stick on his head till he fall down of the floor and was sent to the central hospital.

Monday, August 3, 2015

مواطن يشعل النار فى نفسة بمستشفى السويس العام

himself with despair

The hospital
promised him to have made the operation several times and finally yelled at his
face that he will not receive any medical treatment at the public hospital and
he should burn himself  
networking sites Activists trading, a video clip of the Egyptian citizen, "Abdulaziz
Alboseali ", burnt himself, having faced arbitrarily of Suez General
Hospital management promised to do gallbladder operation
  then yelled at his face that he will
never make the surgery

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The international community المجتمع الدولى

The most important thing
brought to my attention and I am concerned about is that the UN and the international community focus on to provide assistance in times of crisis , disasters and conflicts .... the reason makes me have this concern  is that the focus and concentration must be  on the conflicts prevention or to stop it in its infancy, as well as the work of all precautions and studies to disaster areas to prevent a humanitarian disaster even with natural disasters .... here my focus should be on both sides at the same time ...... for example ..... no state or  group of people should demolish , ruin and  cause destruction in a society without holding the responsibilities and being accountable to make these corrupted ,non-democratic, international criminals ,organizations or states think a lot before offering such an act of vandalism
أن اهم ما يسترعى انتباهى و يقلقنى ..هو تركيز الامم المتحدة و المجتمع الدولى على تقديم المساعدات فى وقت الازمات و الكوارث و النزاعات ....و السبب هو انه يجب ان يكون التركيز فى منع حدوث النزاعات او وقفها فى مهدها و كذلك عمل كافة الاحتياطات و الدراسات لمناطق الكوارث لمنع حدوث كوارث انسانية حتى مع حدوث الكوارث الطبيعية....و هنا يجب على التركيز على كلا الجانبين فى ان واحد ......و على سبيل المثال .....لا يجب ان تقوم فئة او دولة و او مجموعة بهدم و خراب و دمار ...مجتمع ما دون تحميله مسئوليات ....تجعله يفكر كثيرا قبل ان يقدم على مثل ذلك الفعل التخريبى

In addition to all preceded  that most of the conflicts are caused by the intervention of an international favors for specific state or group of people who are almost the owner of capitals or absence of justice or real democracy in much of international community and therefore we must focus  on reshaping the global system to determine an agreed and forbear responsibilities and accountability more and more  in a constants innovative ways to involve people in such business to participate in taking decision.

الاضافة الى ان معظم النزاعات سببها تدخل دولى او عدم وجود عدل او عدالة او ديموقراطية حقيقية فى كثيرا من المججتمعات و لذلك يجب التركيز فى اعادة تشكيل النظام العالمى لتحديد ثوابت متفق عليها و تحميل مسئوليات اكثر بطرق اكثر ابتكارية ...تشرك الشعوب فى مثل تلك الاعمال

We make efforts  which its results are known to us in advance We are talking about the fight against poverty, and poverty has not fought since the United Nations set up and talking about the international community and the international community have not formed a respectable community as well, but configured to form alliances in a cosmetic way for the  name of the gangs ..... .Then, The UN role if it did.The UN does  not have the enough authority and tools  that makes it the supreme global power to achieve security and stability, integrity and neutrality of humanity on the contrary , it achieves specific and particular interests or it is weak and frail to any problem facing humanity
اننا نقوم ببذل جهود معروف نتيجتها مسبقا ....فنحن نتحدث عن محاربة الفقر و لم يحارب الفقر منذ انشاء الامم المتحدة و نتحدث عن مجتمع دولى و لم يتشكل مجتمع دولى محترم بل يتم تكوين تحالفات الشكل التجميلى و الاسم المجمل للعصابات ......فما دور الامم المتحدة اذا لم يكن لها سلطة و ادوات تجعلها السلطة العالمية العليا لتحقيق الامن و الاستقرار بنزاهة و حيادية للبشرية لا لتحقيق مصالح محددة و معينة او تكون واهية ضعيفة امام اى مشكلة تواجه البشرية
As for terrorism, it is a human industry mad by man who is greedy , criminal or corrupted to achieve favors on the account of peoples of the world or to achieve political goals on the account of the blood and bodies of the peoples of the world. thus we should not  create the enemy with our own hands and then allege we in a war to fight this terror or enemy
اما بخصوص الارهاب فهو صناعة انسانية ..و بالتالى لا نصنع العدو بايدينا ثم نصطنع محاربته Now , c what are the causes of n anyone tell me what causes or created terrorism and make it and the reasons for its composition . we did not move forward and did not pretend to be progressed or civilized  when we allege that there is terrorism.
و ما هى اسباب الارهاب و من يصنعه و اسباب تكوينه ....اننا لم نتقدم و لم نتحضر بان ندعى ان هناك ارهاب.   الارهاب ما هو الا صناعات لمؤسسات عالمية و دولية لها مصالح من وراء التخريب و الدمار ....على حساب شعوب
What terrorism but the creation and the industry of global and international institutions with interests from behind the vandalism and destruction on the account of peoples

......whether it is poor or weak . what is our role in the United Nations .then?  Now tell me who created  Bin Laden and then claimed he was a terrorist and What is the cause and what are the reasons for his struggle I do not think that there is terrorism, It is the creation and  industry of those who are  greedy ,demons and worldwide intelligence agencies.
..................فقيرة او ضعيفة ......و ما دورنا فى الامم المتحدة ..اذن من صنع بن لادن ثم ادعى انه ارهابى و ما هى قضيته و ما هى اسباب صراعه ..انا لا اعتقد ان هناك ارهاب الا بصناعة الجشعين و الشياطين منها اجهزة المخابرات العالمية

Is Dick Cheney and George W. Bush and US intelligence officers were accountable when they had violated human rights laws and the international laws when tortured , water boarding and nutrition of the rectum or used the method of anal feeding forcibly to those food struck when the were detained  and other governments as well as other corrupted criminals cooperation in the torture as we knew that the USA sent some of the detainees abroad for being tortured and investigated.  Wasn't this an insult to the whole human being and the mankind
هل تم محاسبة ديك تشينى و جورج بوش و ضباط المخابرات الامريكية عندما انتهكوا حقوق الانسان بالتعذيب و الايهام بالغرق و التغذية من المستقيم و غيرها بالاضافة الى تعاون حكومات اخرى مجرمة فاسدة فى تعذيب ....الم يكن ذلك كله اهانه للانسان و البشرية
 Those  who kill a person without right, sounds that He or they killed all the peoples of the world ... and therefore tortured a soul or a human  as Man  is dignified by the creature almighty God , then He is as if he tortured all peoples of the world
من قتل نفسا بغير الحق و كأنه قتل الناس جميعا ...و بالتالى من عذب نفسا بشرية كرمها الله فكأنه عذب الناس جميعا

was Israel accountable for the devastation caused in Gaza and use of internationally prohibited weapons for use? . Will Israel destroy, damage, and kill whereas the international community makes the effort to heal and treat everything wrought by Israel without any accountability?   All this made it clear for us all that , the United Nations , the global media , even philosophers and scientists participants in United Nations conferences , either they are  failing , they are mentally disabled or they want to laugh at our minds and my mind to convince me that  They are looking for solutions to humanity .
.و هل تم محاسبة اسرائيل على الدمار الذى احدثته فى غزة و استخدامها اسلحة محرم استخدامها .....و هل اسرائيل تدمر و تخرب و المجتمع الدولى يبذل الجهد فى مداواة و علاج كل ما احدثته اسرائيل بلا اى محاسبة ........أن الامم المتحدة و الاعلام العالمى و حتى الفلاسفة و العلماء المشاركين فى مؤتمرات الامم المتحدة اما انهم فشلة او انهم معوقين ذهنيا او انهم يريدون ان يسخروا منى و بعقلى يقنعونى انهم يبحثون عن حلول للبشرية اذا كان تلك المقدمة السابقة ....معروفة لى

Either we have a global system which is serious and truly effective or not, so I would like to ask a question for all the effect:
Is there a country in the world did not violate international laws?
 What can surprise and amaze us. it is that there is no country in the world which did not violate the international law, including Russia. Egypt, Sudan, England, Spain, the United States and China.
So what is the use of international laws or the presence of an effective global system is not only the interests of the rich at the expense of the marginalized and the poor and destitute.
The solution, of course, leads us to it has to be that there will be a global system of international law and can not be violated and agreed.
First, we can contribute to re-examine and reconsider the international laws and the ways and methods of their application as not to compromise peoples and there is no so-called economic blockade to punish a spoiler or a dictatorial regime or in violation of international laws agreed.
Through this system we can agree on the shape and style of Public Prosecutions and the police in all countries. And they are the most important tools to achieve justice and justice g
Governments as well as the form and addressed ways and the performance of its duties and the reduction of smuggling antiquities and sell weapons and strictlyاما ان يكون لدينا نظاما عالميا جادا و فعالا بحق او لا ، لذلك اود ان اطرح سؤالا للجميع  مؤداه :
هل توجد دولة فى العالم لم تخالف القوانين الدولية ؟ المفاجأة التى تدهش البعض منا هى لا توجد دولة فى العالم لم تخالف القانون الدولة بما فيهم روسيا و امريكا و الصين.
اذن ما فائدة القوانين الدولية او وجود نظام عالمى غير فعال سوى تحقيق مصالح الاغنياء على حساب المهمشين و الفقراء و المعدمين .
و الحل بالطبع يقودنا الى انه لابد  ان يكون هناك نظام عالمى و قانون دولى لا يمكن مخالفته و متفق عليه .
يمكننا ان نساهم اولا فى اعادة النظر فى القوانين الدولية و سبل و طرق تطبيقها بما لا يضر الشعوب و لا يكون هناك ما يسمى بالحصار الاقتصادى لمعاقبة نظاما مفسدا او ديكتاتوريا او منتهكا للقوانين الدولية المتفق عليها .
و من خلال هذا النظام يمكننا ان نتفق على شكل و اسلوب النيابات العامة  و الشرطة فى كل الدول .و هم اهم الادوات لتحقيق العدل و العدالة ز
كذلك شكل الحكومات و طرق تناولها و اداءها لواجباتها  و الحد من تهريب الاثار و السلاح و بيعه بشكل صارم

Children running in the arduous work and forced labor is still going on in our world as a result of corruption or poverty
تشغيل الاطفال فى اعمال شاقة و بالسخرة مازال مستمرا فى عالمنا هذا نتيجة للفساد او الفقر

With respect to the corruption It is worth speaking that major  foreign companies in Africa and global tolerated in the employment of women and children for forced labor by local officials who were criminals in Africa in the collection of the fruits of the coca and those were local African officials using weapons , kidnapping of women and children and their employment and traded weapons and smuggled it and buy it.
اما بخصوص الفساد فجدير بالذكر ان شركات كبرى و عالمية فى افريقيا تساهلت فى تشغيل النساء و الاطفال بالسخرة عن طريق مجرمين محليين فى افريقيا فى جمع ثمار الكوكا و قام هؤلاء المسئولين المحلين باستخدام السلاح و خطف النساء و الاطفال و تشغيلهم و تاجروا بالسلاح و تهريبه و شراءه ...
  Thus, these major company takes the fruits and make them chocolate and other industries for Europe for the European people to enjoy on the account of the dignity and blood of Africans. ..Wasn't  this a criminal activity? Is the United Nations outlawed child labor or abducted , kidnapped women and forced labor . Even if these actions were criminalized in the form of ink on paper. Was it prevented from happening ? Did the international laws, the UN, or the international community stop the greed of the owners of capital?     Of course the answer is not        

بالتالى كانت تلك الشركة الكبرى تأخذ الثمار و تصنع بها الشيكولاته و الصناعات الاخرى فى اوروبا ..ليستمتع الشعب الاوروبى على حساب كرامة و دماء الافارقة ...الم يكن هذا من الاعمال الاجرامية؟ هل جرمت الامم المتحدة تشغيل الاطفال او خطفهم و خطف النساء او تشغيلهم بالسخرة و لو جرمت فى شكل حبر على ورق هل منعت حدوث ذلك و جشع اصحاب رؤس الاموال..بالطبع لا
 Our worldwide universal problem is to first of all

 Reshape the world order
 fight poverty
 the fight of corruption
overseas corrupted and corruption
Overseas criminals
Modernize a new innovated method of fighting all sorts of corruption.
promote democracy for a new agreed standards
 which must be met in all member states and accounting system.
 participate in the information system expose the venal and corrupt and criminals worldwide

.....مشكلتنا العالمية هى ..اولا و قبل اى شىء ....اعادة تشكيل نظام عالمى نزيه ..ثم محاربة الفقر و محاربة الفساد و نشر الديموقراطية بوضع معايير متفق عليها جديدة لابد من توافرها فى كل الدول الاعضاء و نظام محاسبة ..و نظام اعلامى يشارك فى فضح المرتشين و الفاسدين و المجرمين عالميا ...

The following some important point the international community and UN should be  concerned about if the UN and the international community needed change and more efficiency

 Governments credibility

 Governments integrity
 Governments neutrality Corruption or the lack of government corruption
Democratic governments and how close or far of corruption, racism or tribalism and its management
system Citizens' awareness
the legal and judicial system and its integrity and impartiality
مصداقية الحكومات
نزاهة الحكومات
حيادية الحكومات
فساد او عدم فساد الحكومات
ديموقراطية الحكومات  و مدى قربها او بعدها من الفساد او العنصرية او القبلية و نظامها الادارى
وعى المواطنين

و النظام القانونى و القضائى و نزاهته و حياديته
Magdi Amer
مجدى عامر

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Inhumane treatment

Egyptian authorities treat the citizens.We can notice that we human people treat the pets and wild animals better than the way the Egyptian authority treat the Egyptians.This is inhumane especially for a lady and in this age
I can also notice that the third world countries are doing nearly the same somewhat 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

social Equity

I am going to talk about how to solve some of the problems that is very important to most of the 3rd world countries. Job opportunity is offered to people in these countries randomize. I have a lot of points to talk and I  have the solution .so I am going to take a long story short as follow:
First: lawlessness(unmanageableness)  governments with regard to employment through the  contention of those who are working in the public sector for those working in the private sector to the extent that the government employees are also being hired  in the private sector which leads to corruption in both sectors as well as for those who do not deserve post in the private sector on the job at the expense of others who really deserve and do not have  work permanently . on the other hand, this leads to the wasting of the rights of workers in the private sector as well as the absence of a real fair and effective mechanisms for the government to control both sectors to achieve social justice.
In my country (Egypt) a doctor can be a government employee working in a government hospital ; at the same time he has his own private clinic in which he transfers sick people from the government one to his own clinic .he makes money on the account of the patients and on the account of  the government hospital by offering very bad service which does not meet the needs of patients in addition to the bad service and ill-treatment makes the performance of the government hospital very bad one. Likewise, the Egyptian teacher who teaches at government schools offers bad service at schools, but at the same time offers good service at his private  teaching center.
This is one of the problems and there are more and more the solutions are so easy if there is a good will
In my country and some other 3rd world countries people are not the same as Europe. People are here satisfied with the least of the non sufficient .It is not strange, especially, when people do not know either their rights or duties. This is why the people here are so beautiful to lead such a peaceful life with such mob and mess of laws and governments, the problem is how to teach people their duties and rights and how to defend their rights peacefully. Also, there are some few steps can be followed and solve most of the problems.
! - the government should enforce the new standard laws of minimum and maximum wage for the people work in the public sector to ensure a good life and standard of living to people who work in the public sector.
2- to criminalize  and prohibit any of the public sector work to work in the private sector .this will help hire more people in the private sector who did not have a job ( for Egypt will make more than 2 millions of work opportunity available )., this law should criminalize also hiring a public sector worker in the private sector ,( I mean punishment to the employer and the employees .The employer hires in his private sector an employee in the public sector .
3- If I am  a teacher , lawyer ,engineer ,doctor , accountant....etc and I have an office, clink as freelance  and I am working in the public sector .I should make my choice to keep one of them .if my choice is to keep the public sector the government  rent my clinic or centre ...etc to hire some others of the private sector .
4- in my country most people who are unemployed are collage degree carriers. It is the policy that our government meant it. To degrade and humiliate college graduator's .Jobs owners and workers most of them are of those who do not know how to write their names

To be continued

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The constitution is violated

صالح فهد عبد الرحمن ياسر فهد
من ام مصرية و اب سعودى توفيا ، مسجون ليس بأى تهم له 7 اشهر فى السجن ، و كلما خرج من السجن يعود مرة اخرى . و يتم القبض عليه ببساطة لانه ليس معه هوية مصرية و لم يستخرج له هوية مصرية . لدية جواز سفر سعودى و الاوراق التى تثبت ان امه مصرية.
و هو مسجون بسجن رقم 1 فى قسم اول المحلة الكبرى.
الدستور المصرى يمنحه الحق فى استخراج اوراقه على انه مصرى الجنسية وفقا للمادة رقم 6

Saleh Fahd Abdul Rahman Yasser Fahd
He is Of an Egyptian mother and a Saudi died, he is imprisoned not for any charges he has spent seven months in prison till now, and whenever released from prison he   returns back again. And he is arrested simply because he doesn't have  an Egyptian identity and did not issued his Egyptian identity , although he tried many times .he has a Saudi passport and papers that prove that his mother is Egyptian.
He is imprisoned in prison No. 1 in the first section Mahalla al-Kubra.
Egypt. The Egyptian Constitution gives him the right to issue his ID cards as Egyptian nationality in accordance with Article 6

Article 6
Nationality is a right for those who are born Egyptian for an Egyptian father or mother, and by the legal recognition and grant him a formal papers to prove his statements
Personal, a right guaranteed by law and organized.
المادة 6
الجنسية حق لمن يولد لأب مصري أو لأم مصرية، والاعتراف القانوني به ومنحه أوراقاً رسمية تثبت بياناته

الشخصية، حق يكفله القانون وينظمه.

It's no more than ink on paper

Humanities have not succeeded in addressing the humanitarian problems or put precise and clear workable theories, these sciences became the reasons that led to the failure of the human thinking to get to the facts and to be able to put good solutions to the problems of a particular community, you must have a comprehensive look and you have enough information and expertise to put solutions to the lack of transparency and integrity, and to the presence of the mutual corrupted interests and corruption .We can say that solutions based on a range of tangled and complex reasons. As those who want to return the problem to one specific reason Only it can not put a practical solution.
So there must be laws or agreed-upon principles and specific and clear in a specific community or to be general for all societies (the international community)( off course not these conditions, laws, and conventions that never applied It's no more than ink on paper) , therefore  there must also be  a strict follow up measures , international inspection, and rules that make all member states  respect those principles and laws. Then some of the people of those areas should participate  in the study of how to develop solutions to solve the humanitarian problems in each community, separately. We can not forget that there are general axioms which can be common in all societies and communities and there should be a good strict  co-controls and follow-up, for example, the  international control for the problem of torture or persecution or repression and oppression ..etc

one way or another, We are all responsible ,the international community stands idly by, or turn a blind eye to many of the crimes committed against humanity .Man is out of one original , even if different language, skin color or his habits acquired in accordance with the conditions and geographical area and many other conditions.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Egyptians lives in danger

Mahala Kobra City
People in danger
Sultan Ibrahim El Saidi
He was absent during his trial in which he was sentenced 25 years in prison for the charge of carrying a firearm. accordingly to what Sultan Ibrahim Saidi said, his house was searched and a rifle weapon and 5 safe weapon and the amount of 63 000 Egyptian pounds were obtained, but Sultan was in Alexandria have not been arrested So an absentia judgment  was issued against him .
Chief of Detectives of  first section of Mahala Kubra, Hassan Abou El Magd replaced the rifle, but did not mention or attach the amount of 63000 LE in the holdings which he found at  the house of Sultan but took it for himself.
Something like that happened in Alexandria at the the arrest of Sultan Ibrahim Saidi at the same time another one was arrested called Al Shenera .  police in the same campaign, where Hassan Abou El Magd  amongst stole amount of 33000 L.E out of Sultan Ibrahim Saidi'Alexandria flat
 On 1st. June  2015 , in  Court , Sultan Ibrahim Saidi, was  acquitted of all the charges against him and to be released unless he was wanted for any other charges. Mahalla al-Kubra the first section of police, the detective chief Hassan Abu al Magd , imprisoned Sultan Ibrahim in an illegal cell, far from the eyes without any legal right and not at the disposal of any issues or crimes,
Sultan should have been released since 1st June 2015 , but until the date of 14th June , he was still imprisoned
Today , is 22nd June 2015 I do not know about him, where he went, also I told Sultan whenever he comes out , he should visit me at my work , just to be sure he is released ,but he hasn't shown up yet.
These are crimes against humanity
Minister of interior is accountable for
The prime minster is accountable for
The president is accountable for
The Sheriff of the first police station ,in Mahala Kubra ;Tariq Attaweya; is accountable for.
The chief detective of the first police station ,in Mahala Kubra ; Hassan Abo Al Magd ;is accountable for.
The prosecutors attorney always condemn the victims and never condemns police officers violate laws nowadays in Egypt
Magdi Sobhi Amer
20,Ali Hamada st.,from 10th.,st,Al manshya al Gedida
Mahalla Kubra,Gharbya,Egypt.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

taking a photo is not a crime

Place : police station the first at Al 
Mahalla Al Kubra , Egypt
Happened to me once again
my tel:00201203844695
 They confiscate my mobile and tried to stick terrorism crime to me,but they could not for many reasons
to be continued 
Only 6 days in Egyptian police station story.
I am Magdi Sobhi Mohamed Ebrahiem Amer.
Date of Birth 17.Jan.1962.
College graduated of collage of Arts and had Post studies for two years in Publics relations and information.
I witnessed all this story and all names and persons mentioned here are real and I met them all.

I stayed in the police station 6 days. I was taking a photo via my mobile , on 4th June 2015 .then, I was abusively self-searched. Mohamed Aamara ; a police officer of the police station no 1 in Mahala Al kubra ,Egypt. ;  was the responsible  and to be accountable at this time when he allowed his people to search all my pockets. They took all (6 police people in civilian cloth) my pockets contents, my mobile phone and my National ID card which are still there . The ID card is kept with the Chief of the criminal investigation of  the police division one , mahalla Kobra , Hassan Abu El Magd ,for the reason I can't submit any complains against them. Also , not to be able to hire a lawyer. In this case they can arrest me more several times with t he excuse of not having ID card or to send me to the court for a session which I did not know when will it to be . All this happened without having any court order. This happened when I was taking photo via my mobile like hundreds of time I did before. but the police officer got out of the police car and headed towards me , telling me to give him my mobile .because  I told him I will never allow anybody to violate my privacy , the international human rights laws and the Egyptian constitution. Then, the police officer and his force considered my words as offense and an insult to stick to my rights. Then, they began to search me by force and took all my pockets contents. I told them many times that I want to close my shop before going with them, but they forced me to get into their car. I told the gathering of the people gathered nearby, "Be my  witness that the police took my phone, Id card and did not let me to close the shop.

When we reached the police station , one of the informant began once again to search me in a provocative and humiliating manner to the extent that he was touching my genitals, Mohammed Ammar ; the police officer ; to to be held responsible for behaving as if he approves what theywere doing .Later , we went up to the Criminal Investigation building and there they began beating , insulting and humiliating me.
Participants in the beat and torture
Mohammed Al Gameel
Officer named Moaz
officer Mohammed Ammar
responsible and accountable as the Chief of the criminal investigation Dept. who uses a methodical torture,beat,insult, fabrication of cases and charges against civilians ,wasting human dignity of all civilians  Hassan Abu  El Magd
Tarek Attawya the sheriff of the police station the first at Al Mahala Al Kobra
White fat is short fat white green eyes who repeated searching me during  speaking  ill and calling me bad names.
Then, they tortured me .forced me to give them my phone password .later, they moved me in a cell with two people who were
Hamada Abd Al Haleem AAmarah was detained from 29th. June 2015 for no charges and never been shown to the prosecutor.
Sultan Ibrahiem Al Saidy who was there since 2nd June 2015  sentenced to be innocent and to be released
later they moved me to the legal detainee
I stayed 6 days in this police station and this was the first day. I wasn't allowed to telephone my lawyer or my family. Nobody knows I am in that police station , but my work neighbors. No one let me know what my charges are. Even the prosecutor (when I was shown to him on Friday 5th.June 2015 ) did show me to medical chick when I told him I was tortured. He did not let me hire a lawyer or didn't bring me any lawyer. He surprised me that I called the police officers bad names. I denied the accusations and told him the true story , but he(the prosecutor) bailed me L.E 1000 .after paying the bail .I wasn't allowed to get out of my detainee as they found another case against me that two people complain I quarreled with them. I never did this in my life but maybe when I was sitting peacefully at the square with others in 2013 demonstrating against ex-president, some of his supporters issued a fake complain against me. So they sent me to the court on 7th June 2015.after doing the necessary formalities at the court ,I should be released at once, but they kept me illegally until 9th.June 2015 .Now I can not move anywhere or even issue a case or submit a complain,because the police kept the ID card and none can issue a complain without showing his ID card to the investigator .
I am a witness for all stories I sent and I will submit a complain once I issue a new ID card ; which takes about 15 days or more ; to the general attorney .
twitter:                          @king_magdi
Tel :   00201203844695
A researcher,blogger,and human rights activist   
Magdi Amer
التقاط صورة ليس جريمة
فى يوم الخميس الموافق 4-6-2015 حوالى الساعة 4:15 م
بينما انا أحاول ان التقط صورة اثناء مرور دورية الشرطة المصرية من ش مصطفى كامل منطقة محب ، خلف نادى البلدية فى مدينة المحلة الكبرى ،من امام الدكان الذى اعمل فيه   و الدورية كانت مكونة من مدرعة ، و ليس اقل من 7 عربات شرطة اخرى ،  نزل ضابط إسمه محمد عمار من سيارة الشرطة- ( فى زى مدنى لا يعلق أى شارة تحمل اسمه او رتبه مثله مثل باقى ضباط الشرطة المصرية اثناء اداءهم عملهم لا يقدم أى معلومات للمقبوض عليه و لا يطلعه على حقوقه الدستورية أو القانونية لا يسمح له بإجراء اتصال هاتفى بمحاميه او ذويه و لو جاءه محاميه او ذويه لا يعرف أحد ان يصل اليه ) _ و حاول ان يأخذ التليفون المحمول و بالفعل حصل عليه بالقوة و تم تفتيشى ذاتيا بطريقة مهينة عن طريق حفنة من افراد الشرطة مع استخدام التهديد و الضرب امام الدكان الذى اعمل فيه ، و تم نقلى الى سيارة الشرطة  ثم الى القسم . على الرغم اننى كنت وحدى فى عملى و كان ينبغى ان اغلق الدكان قبل رحيلى ، و طلبت منهم ذلك عدة مرات الا انهم اخذونى معهم و تركوا الدكان مفتوح فى حراسة الجيران .
و ذلك كله بالمخالفة للدستور و القانون المحلى و القوانين الدولية على النحو التالى :
taking a picture is not a crime
On Thursday, 04.06.2015 at around 16:15
While I was trying to take a picture during the Egyptian police patrol passed by Mustafa Kamel ,Moheb area, behind the municipal Club , city of Mahalla al Kubra, and the patrol was made up of armored, and no less than seven other police vehicles, an officer called Mohammed Ammar got out of the police car - (in civilian clothes,with no signs or badge bearing his name or rank, like the rest of Egyptian police officers while performing their work do not provide any information to the under arrest and not inform him of his constitutional rights or legal ,also he is not allowed to make a telephone call to his lawyer or his family, and if his lawyer tried to reach  none can reach the detainee) _ this officer with the help of other 6 more police civilian dressed people  tried to take my mobile phone and managed to force me to by force .Then I  was self searched  in a humiliating manner by a handful of policemen with the use of threats and beatings in front of the shop where I work, and I was transferred to the police car and then to section . Although I was alone in my work . the shop should have been closed before my departure, I asked them several times, but they took me with them and left the store open in guarding of my neighbors.
all this was in violation of the Constitution and domestic law and international law as follows
عدد من الضباط و رجال الشرطة المصرية فى داخل قسم اول المحلة الكبرى ، قاموا بالضرب و بعدها التعذيب و يدير قسم المباحث الجنائية فيه حسن ابو المجد و يدير القسم كمأمور  طارق عطوية.
فور وصولنا الى القسم بدأ السب و الشتيمة بأسوأ الالفاظ و تفتيش ذاتى مرة اخرى بطريقة تنال من كرامة الانسان و تهينه رغم التفتيش الاول امام الدكان الذى اعمل به و اخذوا منى فى التفتيش الاول كل ما معى فى جيوبى.
كارنيه حقوق انسان منتهى صلاحيته
بطاقة شخصية
بعض الاوراق غير ذا اهمية
و صعدنا الى المبنى الخلفى لقسم المباحث الجنائية من داخل قسم شرطة اول مدينة  المحلة الكبرى ، مصر. و استمرت طوال صعودنا السلم الخلفى الشتيمة و السب و الاهانة و كلما اقتربنا من النهاية كلما زادت حدة السب و الاهانة الى ان وصلنا الى الطرقة فى الدور الاول علوى امام مكتب رئيس المباحث و استمر المشى و السب و الضرب من اكثر من 6 اشخاص
ضابط يدعى معاز
مخبر يدعى محمد الجميل
عدد 3 مخبرين اخرين لا اعرف اسمائهم و لكن اوضحهم لى كان قصيرا ، ابيض ، اخضر العينين ، بدين.
و بعد الضرب دخلنا الى غرفة بالقرب من زنزانة تستخدم كقفص حجز و لكنها بعيدة عن الاعين و تم التعذيب
ربط كل يد على حد بقيد مع تضييقه على اليد ثم ربط القيد بماسورة على ارتفاع 30 سم  بطريقة لا تسمح للشخص بالوقوف او الجلوس او يرتاح على أى جانب يمينا او يسارا و يستمر ذلك الى ان تتورم الايدى و الاذرع بعد على الاقل 6 ساعات
ما يلاحظ ان الالام الناتجة عن ذلك تستمر ليس اقل من 20 يوم لو كان استمر بهذا الوضع 8 ساعات و هذا ما حدث معى .
A number of officers and men of the Egyptian police in Mahalla al-Kubra in the first section, and the Criminal Investigation Department beat me and torture me.
I accuse those who are responsible for all these violations as follow:
Police officer Mohammed Ammar
Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department  Hassan Abu El Magd and  the Sheriff : Tariq Ataweyah and they should be accountable for this
Once we got to the section they began calling me bad names and insulting me with the worst wordy and self-inspection searching again in a way that undermine the  human dignity . despite the first inspection in front of the shop where I work when they took me, at the first self searching and took everything with me in my pockets.
A human right membership card which was expired
My Identification Card which is still with them
Some of non-importance papers
Then  we went up to the rear of the building of the Department of Criminal Investigation of the Police Department within police station the first , city of Mahalla, Egypt. And continued throughout our climb the stairs the more we get closer to the lobby of the criminal investigation department, the more severe insult and stocks with fists and kicks everywhere in my body by  more than 6 people.

Officer named Moaz was one of the gangs beating me severely
Informant named Mohammed Al Gameal
Number of three other informants I do not know their names, but It was very clear to me that one of them was short, white, green eyes, and little fat.
After the beating we entered into a room near the cell used as cage and it is far from the public eye ,It is used for torture ,exile and hiding people illegally.
Linking each hand on the narrow end with the enrollment on the hand and then connect the constraint pipe fixed to the wall parallel to the floor at a height of 30 cm way that does not allow a person to stand or sit or rest on either side right or left and it will continue to swell the hands and arms after at least 6 hours
What it is observed that the resulting pain lasts not less than 20 days if the situation continues in this 8 hours and this is what happened to me.
They moved me twice this the first day after beat and torture me I stayed, for less than one hour, in a cell in which people should be released, but still illegally captured. then, I was moved to the legal place for those who should be exposed to the attorney.
more soon will be added

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