فيما يلى بعض المستندات التى تثبت فبركة تلك المخالفات و المحاضر ضد المواطن المذكور فيه و مثله مثل الاف المصريين من الباعة الجائلين فى جمهورية مصر العربيه
Fabrications of files and lawsuit to those very poor people ,Egyptian police bullying at them and cost them their flesh and blood..and bleed them white at the same time,file them bad records by fabricating files against them to the extent that some of them are fined by more the 400 lawsuit
سنلاحظ هنا فى المستند السابق انه يجب عليه دفع الغرامه و يقوم بالازاله فى خلال اسبوع من تاريخ المحضر و فى نفس الوقت تجد محضر اخر له فى يوم تالى او قبل مرور الاسبوع و هذا خير دليل عل الفبركه و التعسف و الاضطهاد للمواطنيينWe easily notice here that this decoment is a file against a citizen who engaged a place to sell and a wander seller,the fine is that he should remove his things in a week time.however the same policeman who fabricated this file while he was sitting in his offoce and only had a name to fine .even though ,this officer fabricated another fine file decoment the next day against the same guy
سنلاحظ هنا فى المستند السابق انه يجب عليه دفع الغرامه و يقوم بالازاله فى خلال اسبوع من تاريخ المحضر و فى نفس الوقت تجد محضر اخر له فى يوم تالى او قبل مرور الاسبوع و هذا خير دليل عل الفبركه و التعسف و الاضطهاد للمواطنيين
Here is the same crisis..suppression and oppression against the same guy,however they fine hime for two reasons .the first is that he works as a wander seller without a licence for that..whereas they didn't offer him how to get the licence the second is that he engaged and used a puplice place at the same time hundreds of his colleagues are there without any fine and also there are some of them who had 600 fine files against them

سنلاحظ هنا فى المستند السابق انه يجب عليه دفع الغرامه و يقوم بالازاله فى خلال شهر من تاريخ المحضر و فى نفس الوقت تجد محضر اخر له فى يوم تالى او قبل مرور الاسبوع و هذا خير دليل عل الفبركه و التعسف و الاضطهاد للمواطنيين
In this file the wander seller has a break for one month just to remove his things ,but in the same month he has 3 other fine files.when he went to the court they cuffed him for his being a seller...note that the egyptian society has its own privacy that allows those people to stay as they are untill the government solve their proplems by building up shops and markets to settlle them in ,but not to gift these places to corrupted people as before
The same policeman excercise his own pressure over those poor people to force them to be thugs and to be snitches and rates..informants to him ...the same police officer of a familly which owns a manufacture for textiles who uses them to show his familly's production and sell it .I submitted a complaint to the interior minister,but the same officer still in his place doing his job as usual ...it seems to me that it is a challenge...we are not fighting or in a challange .we are trying to do something right and good for our country and the poor people
over all this when the police attack those people the security people come in a huge number nd behave very brutally and severely against those poor people to the extent that they beat,destroy throw thing in the ground and burn there things
by the way,all these files fine one person maybe monthly 4 times and treat him as a criminal for the reason he sells things for more than 4 years and his charges is that he engage a place in the street and works without licence.Newly provocative action by the police ,forced him to by bills also for cleaning garbage and if he doesn't pay L.E 10,he will pay L.E 1000
سنلاحظ هنا فى المستند السابق انه يجب عليه دفع الغرامه و يقوم بالازاله فى خلال شهر من تاريخ المحضر و فى نفس الوقت تجد محضر اخر له فى يوم تالى او قبل مرور الاسبوع و هذا خير دليل عل الفبركه و التعسف و الاضطهاد للمواطنيين

سنلاحظ هنا فى المستند السابق انه يجب عليه دفع الغرامه و يقوم بالازاله فى خلال شهر من تاريخ المحضر و فى نفس الوقت تجد محضر اخر له فى يوم تالى او قبل مرور الاسبوع و هذا خير دليل عل الفبركه و التعسف و الاضطهاد للمواطنيين

سنلاحظ هنا فى المستند السابق انه يجب عليه دفع الغرامه و يقوم بالازاله فى خلال شهر من تاريخ المحضر و فى نفس الوقت تجد محضر اخر له فى يوم تالى او قبل مرور الاسبوع و هذا خير دليل عل الفبركه و التعسف و الاضطهاد للمواطنيين
الباعة الجائلين فى مصر
بادىء ذى بدىء,لكل مجتمع فى هذا العالم خصوصيته و ظروفه الخاصة و قيمه و مبادئه و معتقداته و عاداته و تقاليده.الامر الذى يجعلنا ان نفكر مليا فى انه لا يمكن تطبيق النماذج المعروفه لاى مجتمع اخر..على نفس المجتمع و بالتالى وجب على القائمين على ادارة البلاد فى اى مجتمع دراسة تلك الامور للحفاظ على خصوصيته و قيمه و مبادئه و معتقداته التلى ترسخت معه عبر التاريخ و ان ينفرد بنفسه فى ترسيخ الايجابى منها و تقويم بما يتناسب مع ظروفه و خصوصيه السلبيات.
و من هنا يمكننا ان نتحدث عن ظاهرة الباعة الجائلين و طريقة التعامل معها عبر عشرات السنوات و نركز على فشل التعامل الامنى و التجاهل و التهميش مع مثل تلك الظواهر و التى ستظل موجوده فى المجتمع نظرا لتردى الاحوال الاجتماعيه و الاقتصاديه و التعليمية و الثقافيه الى ان يمكننا وضع حلول تدريجيه لتقليل حجم الظاهرة بالتدريج الى ان تتلاشى من الوجود مستخدمين اسلوب مجتمعى و دراسات و تعاون بين السلطات و الوزارات و احتضان هؤلاء و توعيتهم و العمل على ما يتفق و مصالحهم و مصلحة المجتمع و البلاد.
فى جمهوريه مصر العربيه يتوزع الباعة الجائلين فى العديد من الاماكن و هى محددة بعينها :
انواع الباعة الجائلين
فمنهم من يبيع فى الاتوبيسات و القطارات
ومنهم من يتجول فى الشوارع مستخدما قدماه حاملا بضائعه و يجوب المنازل و المصالح الحكوميه
و منهم من يتجول مستخدما سيارة و ميكروفون
ومنهم من يستخدم عربه خشب يد يجرها او يدفعها للامام
ومنهم من يتخذ لنفسه مكان يتناسب مع سلعته بالقرب من المحال التجاريه فى المناطق الشهيره
و منهم الرحالة الذين يتجولون فى الاسواق التى يتم نصبها على مدار الاسبوع فى محافظات و قرى مصر و اهمهم صوق الثلاثاء و سوق الجمعه و اخيرا الموالد و بعض المناسبات
اهم ما يمكن ان نذكره هنا ان منهم من يقوم باشغال مكانه من عشرات السنوات و انه يعيل اسرته من تلك المهنه و من اشغاله هذا المكان فحرصا منا على الاجيال القادمه ان نراعى مثل تلك المسائل الهامه
تعداد الباعه الجائلين:
فى الحقيقه , نظرا لتهميش الدوله لهم بل و قسوتها عليهم و اهمالها للكثير من الامور داخل الدوله فاصبحت الدوله غائبه و ان تعاملت تتعامل دون تفاهم او تفهم ..و لان نظرة الدوله دونيه لهؤلاء و لاغلبية العاملين فى القطاع الخاص غاب دور الدوله و بالطبع غابت هيبة الدوله .و من ثمة فانه لا يوجد حصر و لا تعداد فعلى لهؤلاء الباعه الجائلين فمنهم من ينصب كشكا للشاى و القهوة لخدمة الاخرين من الباعة الجائلين و منهم من يقيم فترينة للسندوتشات فلا نعرف عددهم الفعلى الا اننا يمكننا ان نقول انهم ملايين المصريين فى جميع انحاء مصر قد يتخطى عددهم 4 مليون تقريبا
احوال الباعة الجائلين
فى الواقع ووفقا للملاحظه استطيع ان اسرد بعض الحقائق الاتية :
ليس كلهم غير متعلمين و لا مثقفين و لكن غالبيتهم من دون تعليم او ثقافه
منهم من هم ليس لديهم مأوى او ساكنوا العشوائيات و يعول اسرته ابنا كان زوجه كانت او زوج او اب
و نظرا لتدنى المستوى التعليمى و الثقافى فانهم من البسطاء الذين لا يعرفون حقوقهم كمواطنين و غالبيتهم يميل الى العنف او احتداد النقاش فلا حوار معهم و ان كانوا بسطاء و شرفاء و من داخلهم انسان يريد ان يعيش بالفهلوه ..او باى وسيله ..المهم ان يعيش محترما لا يسرق و لا يتاجر فى الممنوعات و ان كان الغش فى طباع قليلا منهم و الفهلوه فى قليلا منهم
منهم من كان يتيما و منهم من طرد من منزلهم و منهمك من تعذب بسبب التفكك الاسرى او ابناء محكوم عليهم او من كان مسجلا خطرا و عاد الى الحياه الطبيعيه و يريد حياة كريمه
فالاحوال الاقتصاديه و الثقافيه و الاجتماعيه بينهم متفاوته الا ان غالبيتهم بلا تعليم و بلا ثقافه و لديهم مفاهيم خطأ عن الكثير من امور الدنيا و القانون و الدوله و البوليس و القضاء..الخ
فقد جنى عليهم المجتمع و الدوله و عار على المجتمع ان يكون بينهم هؤلاء دون رعايه مجتمعيه بل البعض يتجنى عليهم و يظلمهم و يتشفى فيهم عندما تقوم حملات ضباط و جنود المرافق بطردهم و ضربهم
تعامل الدوله المصريه مع الباعه الجائلين:
التجاهل و التهميش و ابداء عدم الرغبه فى وجودهم هذا هو طريقة التامل من قبل الدوله المصريه عبر عشرات السنوات و رغم ذلك مازالوا متواجدين و يزداد عددهم و لم تتعلم الدوله و لم تستحدث اسلوب او طريقه و لم تدرس مشاكلهم و تفاقم و تزايد الظاهرة. التعامل الامنى باستخدام القوى الامنيه فى التعامل معهم فمنهم من يعمل على تجنيد منهم مرشدين و يعطيه صلاحيات و سلطات على الاخرين الامر الذى يجعل هذا المرشد من كبار الشبيحه و البلاطجه و فرض الاتاوات و نشر الاشاعات بينهم و من الامن من يفرض عليهم اتاوات على مدار عشرات السنين
تتعامل الدوله معهم على انهم مجرميين لحين انهم قوه و فئه من فئات
المجتمع الذين يجب ان نعترف بهم و يجب وضع حل لمشاكلهم و نجعلهم يتعاونوا معنا فى بناء الامة المصريه
التعامل الامنى من خلال اصدار مخالفات لهم كل فترة و تغريمهم مبالغ لا قبل لهم بها و معاملتهم كمجرمين ووضع الاغلال فلا ايديهم عند القبض عليهم لحين دفع الغرامه و يتم عمل شىء اسمه مصالحه فى القسم و النيابه
التعامل الامنى يتمثل فى حملات من شرطة المرافقه مجهزه بقوه و عدد من الجنود يهاجموهم فى الاسواق و شردوهم و يكسروا و يقطعوا لهم بضائعهم و عرباتهم و ضربهم بالعصا و احيانا تاتى تلك القوة بالسلاح
فعلى مدار عشرات السنوات تعاملت الدوله معهم من هذا المنطلق فمنهم من كره نفسه و الدوله و الضباط و حتى الناس و اصبح بلا ولاء و لا انتماء للبلد من كثرة الديون و العذاب بين التهديد بضياع بضائعه و تكسير عربته و غرامات و محاكم و قسم و نيابه ..و من الغرائب ان بعضهم محرر ضده مئات ماضر مخالفات اشغال الطريق او القيام بعمل دون ترخيص
مع العلم ان المحضر الواحد يكلفهم 157,5 جنيه مصرى فما ادرانا بان امرأه منهم عليها 450 محضر مخالفه و بتلك المحاضر يمكننا ان نقول عليهم مجرمين و المحضر يتم تسجيل فيه كلمه المتهم فلان...و ماذا ننتظر من هؤلاء المساكين
توصيات و اقتراحات
ارى انه فى الفترات السابقه كان يتم عمل باكيات و اكشاك و بناء اسواق و لكن كانت توزع على كل الفاسدين و لا تصل الى هؤلاء لاسباب عديده منها فساد المجالس المحليه و الشعبيه و فساد الحكومات و الشرطه و نواب مجلس الشعب و حتى المحافظين الا من رحم ربى
و بناء على ما سبق كله فيجب ان
نقوم بعمل حصر لهم عن طريق مجموعه من شباب الثوره او اى شباب يتطوع لعمل حصر للباعة الجائلين فى كل المحافظات و المدن و القرى
ثانيا عمل لهم رابطه تحتوى على ميثاق شرف لاداء كل مهنه منها و حقوق وواجبات كل فرد منهم
ثالثا ان يضع كل محافظ خطة لاعادة تسكين هؤلاء فى باكيات او اكشاك او محلات او اسواق يتم بنائها فى داخل الحدود الجغرافيه لكل محافظه و مدينه و قريه لهم و من يتم تسكينه يتم تنظيف المكان الذى كان يشغله و لا يتم تسكين غيره فيه و لا يتم عمل اى مماطلات او بيع لتلك الاماكن مرة ثانية و بذلك اعادة النظر فى قانون اشغال الطريق , و تجريم المستجدين الذين يفترشون الطرق مجددا و لم يكن لهم صلة بهذا المكان او هذا العمل من قبل و نعطيهم فرصه للانضمام بالرابطة او النقابه و يكون له اولويه و ان يكون هناك اشراف و رقابه كى لا نعود لنظام المحسوبيه و الرشوة و اللاعب .
و بناء على ما سبق
رئيس الوزراء
وزير العدل
وزير الداخليه
المحافظين فى كل المحافظات
ان يعيدوا النظر فى مثل تلك المشاكل و ان تتضافر الجهود لحلها و اطالب بالغاء كافة المحاضر لكل الباعة الجائلين و على الدوله ان توفر لهم اماكن ليقوموا بعملهم و رابطه تجمعهم و تحافظ على قيم و اخلاقيات للمهنه و وواجبات نحو المجتمع و العملاء و الدوله و حقوق لكل العاملين
مجدى عامر ( الهوان)
عضو منظمة العفو الدوليه
Street vendors in Egypt
First of all, every community in this world,has its own privacy and its own circumstances and values ??and principles and beliefs and the customs and traditions. Which makes us to think carefully about that known models applied in specific community can not be applied to any other society and therefore must be based on to run the country in any community study of those things to maintain the privacy and the values ??and principles and beliefs with which established through history and be by Itself in the consolidation of the positive and the calendar in line with the conditions and the privacy of the negatives.
From here, we can talk about the phenomenon of street vendors wanders and how to deal with it. and we focus on failure throughout dozens of years the Egyptian government handled it with security and disregard and marginalization with such phenomena, which will remain in the community due to deteriorating social, economic, educational and cultural that we can gradual development of solutions to reduce the size of the phenomenon that gradually fade out of existence using the style of my community, and studies and cooperation between the authorities and ministries, and embrace them and make them aware of and working on the line and their interests and the interests of society and the country.
In the Republic of distributed in Egyptian street vendors in many specific places in particular and known to every Egyptian:
Types of street vendors, wanders
Some of them sell on buses and trains
Some of them wandering the streets, using his feet, carrying his goods and scouring the homes and governmental interests
And of them wandering around a car and using a microphone
Some of them used hand-drawn Cart, wood or push it forward
Some of them take for himself a place commensurate with his goods near the shops in the areas famous
And among them travelers who roam in markets that are installed throughout the week in the provinces and villages in Egypt and most prominent patches Tuesday and Friday markets, and finally some of the events and celebrations,
What is most important can be mentioned here that are out operations of the place of dozens of years and he supports his family of that profession on the job and this place affects our future generations to take into account such important issues
Census of street vendors:
In fact, given the marginalization of the state for them, and even cruel to them, and neglected for many things within the state became a state is absent and that dealt deal without understanding or understand .. And because the view state Denis for these and the majority of workers in the private sector missed the role of the state and of course absent prestige State. and from there, there is no inventory and does not count For these street vendors. Some of them focus stall for tea and coffee to serve others from street vendors, and of whom reside window shop for sandwiches do not know the actual number, but we can say that they are millions of Egyptians in all parts of Egypt may exceed the number almost 4 million
Conditions of street vendors
In fact, according to the remark that I can cite some of the following facts:
Not all of them are not educated and not educated, but most of them without education or culture
Of whom are without shelter or Saknoa slums and reliable son, his family was the Wife or husband or father
Due to the low level of education and culture, they are ordinary people who are too do not know their rights as citizens and most of them inclined to violence or sharpening the debate there is no dialogue with them and that they were simple and honest man, and from inside them that wants to live .. Bafahloh or by any means, it is important to live .. respected not steal and does not trade in contraband, and that was cheating a little bit of them in temperament and in a few of them Fahloh
Of them was an orphan and expel them from their home and engaged because of the torture of family disintegration, the sons of convicts or of the danger was registered and returned to normal life and wants a decent life
A solid economic, cultural and social, including degrees, but most of them without education and without culture and their concepts of error for a lot of worldly things and the law and the state and the police, judiciary, etc. ..
They have reaped the community and the state and a disgrace to the society to be, including those without community care, but some Etjny them and oppress them and when you Achwy campaigns officers and soldiers beat them and drove them facilities
Egyptian state deal with street vendors:
Neglect and marginalization, not wanting to show their presence and this is a way of meditation by the Egyptian State over the decades and yet still online and growing in number and did not learn the state and did not develop a style or way and did not examine the problems and aggravation and growing phenomenon. Security to deal with the security forces in dealing with some of them working on the recruitment of mentors and give them the powers and authorities of the other which makes this guide of top Cbaha and bullies and the imposition of royalties and publishing rumors of them and the security of the royalties imposed on them over the decades,
State dealing with them that they Mejrmyin until they Guo and category of
Community who must recognize them and be a solution to their problems and make them cooperate with us in building a nation of Egypt
Handle security violations by issuing them all the time and fined amounts not before them and treated them as criminals and not to put chains on their hands if they are arrested until they pay the fine and everything is working interests in the name section and the prosecution
Handle the security is in the campaigns of police accompanying strongly equipped with a number of soldiers and attack them in the markets and displacing them and break them and cut off their goods and their vehicles and beaten with a stick and sometimes that power comes with weapons
Over the decades have dealt state them in this sense some of them hated himself and the state and the officers and even people and has become without the loyalty and do not belong to the country from the large debt and suffering among the threatened loss of his goods, and breaking his vehicle and fines, and courts and the department and prosecutors. . and that some of Algra?b Editor Madhar violations against hundreds of works of the road or do the work without a license
Knowing that one cost them the record LE 157.5 What we learned that a woman whom the 450 minutes of Question and those records, we can say they are criminals and record registration of the word of the accused and so and so ... What do we expect from these poor
Recommendations and suggestions
I see that in previous periods was done crying and stalls and construction markets, but were distributed to all the corrupt and not up to them for many reasons, including corruption, local councils, civil and government corruption and police and deputies to the people, and even conservatives, but from the womb of my Lord
Based on all of the above, it must
We do limit them by a group of young revolution, or any young people volunteer to work an inventory of street vendors in all provinces, cities and villages
Second, the work of association of them contain a code of conduct for the performance of each profession and the rights and duties of each individual
Third, put all the governor a plan to rehouse them in crying or stalls or shops or markets are built in within the geographical boundaries of each province and city and village to them and from being housed is clean the place was occupied and does not relieve other is and is not working any delays or sell to those places again, and thus to reconsider the law works the way, and the criminalization of freshmen who sleep on the roads again and had no connection to this place or this work before and give them a chance to join the Association or the Union and have a priority and be There is the supervision and control so as not to return to the patronage system and bribery and the player.
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هذه الرساله قد تصل الى من يهمه الامر ..موقعه من هؤلاء
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