و مايلى هو نتاج للمكتب البرامج الإعلاميه الخارجيه ، وزارة الخارجية الأميركية. الموقع على الإنترنت : http://www.america.gov/
غير المناخ يساهم في انتشار الملاريا ولكن تغيير الممارسات الزراعية ، والهجرة أيضا أن يسبب تفشي المرض في مناطق جديدة .والمزارع في المرتفعات الكينية يقف في حقل حيث البعوض الحامل للملاريا واكتشف في 2006 فيها البعوض الحامل الملاريا تم اكتشافها بواسطة كارين رايفزواشنطن -- في كل 30 ثانية ، وآخر يموت طفل بسبب الملاريا. في كل عام ، وفقا لمنظمة الصحة العالمية ، على الأقل 1 مليون شخص يموتون من هذا المرض ، والأفارقة معظمهم من الشباب. دراسة جديدة تشير إلى أن عدة عوامل ، بما في ذلك ارتفاع درجات الحرارة العالمية ، قد يكون دفع طفيل الملاريا الذي ينقله البعوض على الهجرة الى مناطق لم تتأثر في السابق.

في مقال نشر مؤخرا في المجلة الفصلية(ربع سنويه) لعلم الأحياء ، واختتم لويس فرناندو تشافيس من جامعة إيموري في اتلانتا بولاية جورجيا ، و جامعة فاغينينغين في هولندا أن هناك "قوية" دليل على أن المناخ يلعب دورا في انتشار الملاريا. ولكن الممارسات الزراعية المحلية والعوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية ، قد وجدوا ، ولعب دورا لا يقل أهمية.
الناموسيات المعالجة بمبيدات الحشرات وحماية فعالة ضد malaria.Insecticide الناموسيات المعالجة وتوفير الحماية الفعالة ضد الملاريا. "زيادة في تأكيد أهمية المناخ مضللة لوضع جدول أعمال للبحوث ، حتى واحد الذي يسعى إلى فهم آثار تغير المناخ على أنماط الملاريا الناشئة ، "وكتب العلماء
وقال تشافيز وهذا أمر مهم لأنه قد تم استقطاب الكثير من الأبحاث حتى الآن إلى معسكرين : أحدهما أن سمات تفشي مرض الملاريا في المرتفعات فقط لتغير المناخ ، واحد أن يختار أن يتجاهل الدور الذي تلعبه المناخ.
وقال "ما كنا نريد القيام به هو إعادة النظر بشكل منتظم على حد سواء وظيفة ،" وقال شافيز "، و مع هذا الاستعراض ، وجدنا أن الأمور المناخ ، ولكنها ليست كل شيء. يمكنك الحصول على نفس القدر من الزيادة في درجات الحرارة في مكانين ، والحصول على اثنين من نتائج مختلفة. "
قضى تشافيس وزميله الهولندي عام الانكباب على مدى أكثر من 70 دراسات تركز على الملاريا والمناخ ، واختبار المنهجية المستخدمة في تلك الدراسات. في بعض الحالات ، وجدوا أن الدراسات كشفت أن لا علاقة بين مرض الملاريا وارتفاع درجات الحرارة المستخدمة معيبة التحليل الإحصائي وهذا المناخ كان ، في الواقع ، فإن سبب انتشار الملاريا في منطقة معينة. وخلص العلماء اثنين وكانت هناك أيضا الدراسات التي تحدد المناخ ليكون المحرك الرئيسي لانتشار مرض الملاريا ، والتي تستخدم النماذج التي لا تصمد للاختبار.
والمطلوب الآن ، واثنين من العلماء يقولون ، هو توسيع نطاق جدول أعمال للبحوث أن ينظر في كيفية المناخ يتفاعل مع عوامل أخرى مثل إدخال محاصيل الذرة أو الأرز ، والتي تقدم البعوض موطن جيدة. عندها فقط ، قالوا ، وحقيقية وكاملة عن كيفية ظهور الصورة الملاريا ينتشر عن طريق عالم مع تغير المناخ.
"الهجرة والتزايد السكاني ، على سبيل المثال والتي عادة ما يشار تفسيرات بديلة لإجراء تغييرات في أنماط الملاريا" وكتب في أعلنت مؤخرا إلى منتدى الملاريا المعلومات على الانترنت. واضاف "لكن لماذا تحدث هذه؟ ما الذي يدفع الناس للانتقال من مكان إلى آخر؟ قد يكون جيدا ان الامطار المدمرة أو الجفاف الشديد ، هي نفسها قد تكون نتيجة لتغير المناخ ، وتؤدي إلى خسائر في المحاصيل تلك القوة في نهاية المطاف السكان على الانتقال إلى المراكز الحضرية ، مما يؤثر على احتمال الاصابة بمرض في نهاية المطاف. "
تعقد اوك وأضاف "تدعو إلى مزيد من التفاعل بين الكثير من علماء المناخ والبيئة ، وعلم الأوبئة وعلم الاجتماع والاقتصاد."
What is Global Warming?
Global Warming is defined as the increase of the average temperature on Earth. As the Earth is getting hotter, disasters like hurricanes, droughts and floods are getting more frequent AND FOR SURE IT WILL LEAD TO MORE Catastrophic RESULTS OF SUCH HEAT SUCH AS VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES. during the last 100 years, the average temperature of the air near the Earth´s surface has been rising a little less than 1 Celsius degree
Over the past 100 years, the average air temperature near the Earth's surface has risen a little less than 1 degree Celsius
This seems very simple for both the Palm is not the results caused by such an increase, it was responsible for the storms and floods and forest fires over the past ten years and add to the melting of ice in the polar regions and melting of ice could re-routing traffic and exchange new business in Areas adjacent to areas that were not able to cross the ice, it would be possible, but also the problem of the ice reflecting heat back into space, but after being molten .this will result in an increase of the temperature of the ground and worse by desertification (as happened in Australia and Afica)and drought in the ways of the land possible disasters that result from the fact, and indeed include serious desertification and drought and what to do for the country and world in which he spoke of such disasters and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people and, of course, the spread of epidemics and diseases and the scarcity of food What would make it more difficult and it makes it worse, many countries will occur in which sudden changes so catastrophic that it will find yourself on the ground in the enviable situation of extreme confusion in the beginning of relief, much as they
I hope the world end all sorts of atrocities and troubles to just be one unit to face the unknown.Noteworthy that some of such crisis happened and maybe the last 3 crisis were a volcano in China,a volcano in Iceland and a quake in India.The quake in India drived about million of their homes and made them homless as refugee Do not forget, that can result in a rise in temperature of the lack of lunch, water, Anchar epidemics and diseases and may have further implications of the districts of astronomical sense that the earth expands because of the heat, and this may affect the composition and geographic in its surface and change its features and charts and extended by more attractiveness of celestial objects orbiting in astronomy and what may result from the large volcanoes and earthquakes Were affected by the attractiveness of other objects that orbit in the space
(The following is the product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://www.america.gov/)
Read more: http://www.america.gov/st/energy-english/2010/April/20100414105650KseviR0.5941126.html#ixzz0m11tscVV
Climate Change Contributes to Malaria Spread
But changing farming practices, migration also cause outbreaks in new areas A farmer in the Kenyan highlands stands in a field where malaria-carrying mosquitoes were discovered in 2006.
A farmer in the Kenyan highlands stands in a field where malaria-carrying mosquitoes were discovered in 2006.By Karin Rives Staff Writer
Washington — Every 30 seconds, another child dies of malaria. Each year, according to the World Health Organization, at least 1 million people perish from the disease, most of them young Africans. A new study suggests that several factors, including warmer global temperatures, may be prompting the mosquito-borne malaria parasite to migrate into previously unaffected areas.
Since the mid-1990s, scientists have been studying whether climate change is contributing to a rise in malaria in highland areas in Africa, Indonesia and Afghanistan — regions with altitudes of at least 1,200 meters that were previously spared the disease. Malaria parasites won’t develop in a mosquito when temperatures dip below 15 degrees Celsius, which historically kept residents in the highlands safe.
But that began to change in the mid-1900s, when high-altitude communities in East Africa started to experience malaria outbreaks at an ever-increasing rate. In the past few decades, malaria has also invaded highland regions in countries such as Madagascar and Papua New Guinea. Those nations, along with Indonesia, Afghanistan and East African countries, all experienced a rise in temperatures in the past decade, research by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies shows.
In a recent article in the Quarterly Review of Biology, Luis Fernando Chaves of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and Constantianus Koenraadt of Wageningen University in The Netherlands concluded that there is “robust” evidence that climate plays a role in the spread of malaria. But local farming practices and socio-economic factors, they found, may play an equally important role.Insecticide-treated bed nets are effective protection against malaria.Insecticide-treated bed nets are effective protection against malaria.“Overemphasizing the importance of climate is misleading for setting a research agenda, even one which attempts to understand climate change impacts on emerging malaria patterns,” the scientists wrote.

“What we wanted to do was to systematically review both positions,” Chaves said, “and with this review we found that climate matters, but it isn’t everything. You can have the same amount of increase in temperature in two places, and get two different outcomes.”
Chaves and his Dutch colleague spent a year poring over more than 70 studies focused on malaria and climate, testing the methodology used in those studies. In some cases, they found that studies that uncovered no correlation between malaria and warmer temperatures used flawed statistical analysis and that climate was, in fact, the reason malaria spread in a particular area. There were also studies that determined climate to be a main driver for malaria spread, and which used models that that didn’t hold up to testing, the two scientists concluded.
What’s needed now, the two scientists say, is a broadened research agenda that looks at how climate interacts with other factors — such as the introduction of maize or rice crops, which offer mosquitoes a good habitat. Only then, they said, will a true and complete picture emerge of how malaria spreads through a world with a changing climate.“Migration and population increase, for example, are often cited as alternative explanations for changes in malaria patterns,” Koenraadt wrote in a recent posting to an online malaria information forum. “But why do these occur? What drives people to move from one place to the other? It may well be that devastating rains or extreme droughts, that themselves may be the result of climatic change, lead to crop losses that eventually force populations to move to urban centers, affecting disease risk in the end.”
Such complexity, he added, “calls for much more interaction among climate scientists, ecologists, epidemiologists, sociologists and economists.”
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