On a wide range of newspapers and stations of satellite TV coverage of what happens to nurses in Egypt, and especially after the eruption of the problem of the nurses of Tanta University hospital ,Gharbia Governorate, in Egypt which has up to 3400 nurses in different ages Finally in the Al Aashera Masae-an on Dream TV announcer Mona El Shazly has met one of the nurses (Miss Amal)as presented by her colleagues as the official spokeswoman for them and their issues and their problems and demands.she said they were all hired from the age of 18 years after detection tympanic, which is proven free from infectious diseases and then burst into tears, said that most of them became HIV virus and hepatitis C to have he colleague"Souad" recently died of the disease without having to be worried about by any of the higher authorities people addressing them and they did not cash her medications even transferred her to the administrative division she had been suffering for 11 years till the destruction of her liver and spleen .shortly before her death directly she needed a rest for a day but this too was not approved .Then Miss Amalreplaced her (took her place), Soad died.She added that, many of them are suffering the disease and added that the treatment rays roomfor cancer patients has a leak, and all of the works around the patient anemia And surprisingly, I also was surprised that they they do not have periodic medical examinations and no bathrooms and no rooms of their own, causing a certain risk to them and to their families and neighbors and clients and the community are in danger ... and this is an insult and neglect to the nurses and the Egyptian people as the nurse becomes a focus ofa mobile infection carrier Miss Amal burst into tears again when shespoke on the overview of inferiority-driven by the society, doctors to nurses in Egypt and mistreated .. ( no one can deny that) and added to that double standards in the Egyptian state at all levels. . and if we asked her allowance for disinfection that is discharged to them .. She said 15 pounds extra pay a month means less or equal to 3 $ per month and that the salaries of nurses in a hospital in Tanta University, almost half of the salary at a hospital in Cairo University and the strange thing is that nurses of Tanta University belong to the Ministry of Higher Education The rest of the nurses supervised by the Ministry of Health and therefore duplication of responsibility and in the treatment And because those affected by the conditions mentioned earlier they sent their demands to the Superintendent of the University and the Minister of Higher Education and Al-Masry Alyoum newspaper .. but the Egyptian system handled it with the same policy that is "strike your head on the wall" they went on protest and strike,which was a civilized one, peaceful and orderly stop work instead of meeting their demands or understanding and listening to them on the contrary threatened them by transfere 27 of them to an investigation and they were being convicting by lack of action and lack of presence in their work .. knowing that these are the 27 nurse who carried out the protest over their whereas their colleagues at work on their behalf.However there more than 60 nurses to be absent everyday without any investigation We call for their rights to have especial rooms for their own and WCs.To raise their level of the salary to the standard of all nurses of Egypt.To help them in the Media to give them a status and stop the inferior view to them.To give them periodical check up.
Also here http://www.shorouknews.com/ContentData.aspx?ID=222234
ملائكة الرحمه تناشد الرحمه
تناولت العديد من الصحف و المحطات التليفزيونيه الفضائيه تغطيات لما يتعرض له الممرضات فى مصر و خاصه بعد انفجار مشكلة ممرضات مستشفى جامعه طنطا بمحافظه الغربيه فى مصر و عددهم يصل الى 3400 ممرضه فى مختلف الاعمار.و اخيرا فى برنامج العاشرة مساءا على قناة دريم الفضائيه قامت المذيعه منى الشاذلى بلقاء احدى هؤلاء الممرضات و التى قدمها زملائها على انها المتحدث الرسمى عنهم و عن قضاياهم و مشكلاتهم و مطالبهم.
قالت انهم جميعا تم تعينهم من سن 18 سنه بعد الكشف الطبى الذى اثبت خلوهم من الامراض المعديه ثم انفجرت فى البكاء قالت ان معظمهم اصبح بمرض فيروس سى الكبدى الوبائى و ان لهم زميله"سعاد" ماتت حديثا بهذا المرض دون ان يهتم بمعالجتها و لا صرف لها ادويه و لا حتى نقلها لقسم ادارى و ظلت تعانى 11 عام الى ان تم تدمير الكبد و الطحال لديها و قبل موتها مباشره كانت بحاجه الى راحه يوم لم يوافق احد على راحتها الى ان حلت محلها المتحدثه "امل" و توفت بعد ذلك الممرضه سعاد و اضافت انه مات الكثيرين منهم بهذا المرض واضافت ان غرفه العلاج بالاشعه لمرضى السرطان فيها تسريب و كل من يعمل حوله مريض بفقر الدم و المدهش ايضا اننى تفاجئت بانهم لا توجد لهم فحوص طبيه دوريه مما يتسبب فى خطر مؤكد لهم و لاسرهم و جيرانهم و المتعاملين معهم و على المجتمع ...و هذه اهانه و اهمال للمرضات و الشعب المصرى حيث تصبح الممرضه عباره عن بؤرة عدوى متحركة.

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As a former nurse in the U.S., this is unbeleivable to me!
and to me too
I'd like to thank all effort done by human right watch ,Amnsty International and media people in making our world better....in making the necesay changes,but still we need more effort to be done to make our world better.We still need more and more efforts as this case has not moved astep forward yet.
حج مبرور وذنب مغفور وسعي مشكور إن شاء الله يا بو عامر الحمد لله على السلامة سمعنا عن الامطار والسيول هناك في جدة الله يعينهم على ما ابتلاهم
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