The most important thing
brought to my attention and I am concerned
about is that the UN and the international community focus on to provide
assistance in times of crisis , disasters and conflicts .... the reason makes
me have this concern is that the focus
and concentration must be on the
conflicts prevention or to stop it in its infancy, as well as the work of all
precautions and studies to disaster areas to prevent a humanitarian disaster
even with natural disasters .... here my focus should be on both sides at the
same time ...... for example ..... no state or
group of people should demolish , ruin and cause destruction in a society without holding
the responsibilities and being accountable to make these corrupted
,non-democratic, international criminals ,organizations or states think a lot
before offering such an act of vandalism
أن اهم ما يسترعى انتباهى و يقلقنى ..هو
تركيز الامم المتحدة و المجتمع الدولى على تقديم المساعدات فى وقت الازمات و
الكوارث و النزاعات ....و السبب هو انه يجب ان يكون التركيز فى منع حدوث النزاعات
او وقفها فى مهدها و كذلك عمل كافة الاحتياطات و الدراسات لمناطق الكوارث لمنع
حدوث كوارث انسانية حتى مع حدوث الكوارث الطبيعية....و هنا يجب على التركيز على
كلا الجانبين فى ان واحد ......و على سبيل المثال .....لا يجب ان تقوم فئة او دولة
و او مجموعة بهدم و خراب و دمار ...مجتمع ما دون تحميله مسئوليات ....تجعله يفكر
كثيرا قبل ان يقدم على مثل ذلك الفعل التخريبى
In addition to all preceded that most of the conflicts are caused by the
intervention of an international favors for specific state or group of people
who are almost the owner of capitals or absence of justice or real democracy in
much of international community and therefore we must focus on reshaping the global system to determine an
agreed and forbear responsibilities and accountability more and more in a constants innovative ways to involve
people in such business to participate in taking decision.
الاضافة الى ان معظم النزاعات سببها تدخل دولى او عدم وجود عدل او عدالة
او ديموقراطية حقيقية فى كثيرا من المججتمعات و لذلك يجب التركيز فى اعادة تشكيل
النظام العالمى لتحديد ثوابت متفق عليها و تحميل مسئوليات اكثر بطرق اكثر ابتكارية
...تشرك الشعوب فى مثل تلك الاعمال
We make efforts which its results are known to us in advance
We are talking about the fight against poverty, and poverty has not fought
since the United Nations set up and talking about the international community
and the international community have not formed a respectable community as well,
but configured to form alliances in a cosmetic way for the name of the gangs ..... .Then, The UN role if
it did.The UN does not have the enough
authority and tools that makes it the supreme
global power to achieve security and stability, integrity and neutrality of
humanity on the contrary , it achieves specific and particular interests or it
is weak and frail to any problem facing humanity
اننا نقوم ببذل جهود معروف نتيجتها مسبقا
....فنحن نتحدث عن محاربة الفقر و لم يحارب الفقر منذ انشاء الامم المتحدة و نتحدث
عن مجتمع دولى و لم يتشكل مجتمع دولى محترم بل يتم تكوين تحالفات الشكل التجميلى و
الاسم المجمل للعصابات ......فما دور الامم المتحدة اذا لم يكن لها سلطة و ادوات
تجعلها السلطة العالمية العليا لتحقيق الامن و الاستقرار بنزاهة و حيادية للبشرية
لا لتحقيق مصالح محددة و معينة او تكون واهية ضعيفة امام اى مشكلة تواجه البشرية
As for terrorism, it
is a human industry mad by man who is greedy , criminal or corrupted to achieve
favors on the account of peoples of the world or to achieve political goals on
the account of the blood and bodies of the peoples of the world. thus we should
not create the enemy with our own hands
and then allege we in a war to fight this terror or enemy
اما بخصوص الارهاب فهو صناعة انسانية ..و
بالتالى لا نصنع العدو بايدينا ثم نصطنع محاربته Now , c what are the causes of n anyone tell me what causes or created terrorism
and make it and the reasons for its composition . we did not move forward and
did not pretend to be progressed or civilized when we allege that there is terrorism.
و ما هى اسباب الارهاب و من يصنعه و اسباب
تكوينه ....اننا لم نتقدم و لم نتحضر بان ندعى ان هناك ارهاب. الارهاب ما هو الا صناعات لمؤسسات عالمية و
دولية لها مصالح من وراء التخريب و الدمار ....على حساب شعوب
What terrorism but the
creation and the industry of global and international institutions with
interests from behind the vandalism and destruction on the account of peoples
......whether it is
poor or weak . what is our role in the United Nations .then? Now tell me who created Bin Laden and then claimed he was a terrorist
and What is the cause and what are the reasons for his struggle I do not think
that there is terrorism, It is the creation and industry of those who are greedy ,demons and worldwide intelligence
..................فقيرة او ضعيفة ......و ما
دورنا فى الامم المتحدة ..اذن من صنع بن لادن ثم ادعى انه ارهابى و ما هى قضيته و
ما هى اسباب صراعه ..انا لا اعتقد ان هناك ارهاب الا بصناعة الجشعين و الشياطين
منها اجهزة المخابرات العالمية
Is Dick Cheney and
George W. Bush and US intelligence officers were accountable when they had
violated human rights laws and the international laws when tortured , water boarding
and nutrition of the rectum or used the method of anal feeding forcibly to
those food struck when the were detained and other governments as well as other corrupted
criminals cooperation in the torture as we knew that the USA sent some of the
detainees abroad for being tortured and investigated. Wasn't this an insult to the whole human
being and the mankind
تم محاسبة ديك تشينى و جورج بوش و ضباط المخابرات الامريكية عندما انتهكوا حقوق
الانسان بالتعذيب و الايهام بالغرق و التغذية من المستقيم و غيرها بالاضافة الى
تعاون حكومات اخرى مجرمة فاسدة فى تعذيب ....الم يكن ذلك كله اهانه للانسان و
who kill a person without right, sounds that He or they killed all the peoples
of the world ... and therefore tortured a soul or a human as Man is
dignified by the creature almighty God , then He is as if he tortured all
peoples of the world
من قتل نفسا بغير الحق و كأنه قتل الناس جميعا ...و بالتالى من
عذب نفسا بشرية كرمها
الله فكأنه عذب الناس جميعا
was Israel accountable for the devastation caused in
Gaza and use of
internationally prohibited weapons for use? . Will Israel
destroy, damage, and kill whereas the international community makes the effort
to heal and treat everything wrought by Israel without any accountability? All this made it clear for us all that , the
United Nations , the global media , even philosophers and scientists
participants in United Nations conferences , either they are failing , they are mentally disabled or they
want to laugh at our minds and my mind to convince me that They are looking for solutions to humanity .
.و هل تم محاسبة اسرائيل على الدمار الذى احدثته فى غزة و
استخدامها اسلحة محرم استخدامها .....و هل اسرائيل تدمر و تخرب و المجتمع الدولى
يبذل الجهد فى مداواة و علاج كل ما احدثته
اسرائيل بلا اى محاسبة ........أن الامم المتحدة و الاعلام العالمى و حتى الفلاسفة
و العلماء المشاركين فى مؤتمرات الامم المتحدة اما انهم فشلة او انهم معوقين ذهنيا
او انهم يريدون ان يسخروا منى و بعقلى يقنعونى انهم يبحثون عن حلول للبشرية اذا
كان تلك المقدمة السابقة ....معروفة لى
Either we have a global system which is serious and truly effective or
not, so I would like to ask a question for all the effect:
Is there a country in the world did not violate international laws?
What can surprise and amaze us.
it is that there is no country in the world which did not violate the
international law, including Russia .
Egypt , Sudan , England ,
Spain , the United States and China .
So what is the use of international laws or the presence of an effective
global system is not only the interests of the rich at the expense of the
marginalized and the poor and destitute.
The solution, of course, leads us to it has to be that there will be a
global system of international law and can not be violated and agreed.
First, we can contribute to re-examine and reconsider the international
laws and the ways and methods of their application as not to compromise peoples
and there is no so-called economic blockade to punish a spoiler or a
dictatorial regime or in violation of international laws agreed.
Through this system we can agree on the shape and style of Public
Prosecutions and the police in all countries. And they are the most important
tools to achieve justice and justice g
Governments as well as the form and addressed ways and the performance
of its duties and the reduction of smuggling antiquities and sell weapons and
strictlyاما ان يكون لدينا نظاما عالميا جادا و فعالا بحق او لا ، لذلك اود ان اطرح
سؤالا للجميع مؤداه :
هل توجد دولة فى
العالم لم تخالف القوانين الدولية ؟ المفاجأة التى تدهش البعض منا هى لا توجد دولة
فى العالم لم تخالف القانون الدولة بما فيهم روسيا و امريكا و الصين.
اذن ما فائدة
القوانين الدولية او وجود نظام عالمى غير فعال سوى تحقيق مصالح الاغنياء على حساب
المهمشين و الفقراء و المعدمين .
و الحل بالطبع
يقودنا الى انه لابد ان يكون هناك نظام
عالمى و قانون دولى لا يمكن مخالفته و متفق عليه .
يمكننا ان نساهم
اولا فى اعادة النظر فى القوانين الدولية و سبل و طرق تطبيقها بما لا يضر الشعوب و
لا يكون هناك ما يسمى بالحصار الاقتصادى لمعاقبة نظاما مفسدا او ديكتاتوريا او
منتهكا للقوانين الدولية المتفق عليها .
و من خلال هذا
النظام يمكننا ان نتفق على شكل و اسلوب النيابات العامة و الشرطة فى كل الدول .و هم اهم الادوات لتحقيق
العدل و العدالة ز
كذلك شكل الحكومات و
طرق تناولها و اداءها لواجباتها و الحد من
تهريب الاثار و السلاح و بيعه بشكل صارم
Children running in
the arduous work and forced labor is still going on in our world as a result of
corruption or poverty
تشغيل الاطفال فى
اعمال شاقة و بالسخرة مازال مستمرا فى عالمنا هذا نتيجة للفساد او الفقر
With respect to the corruption
It is worth speaking that major foreign companies
in Africa and global tolerated in the employment of women and children for
forced labor by local officials who were criminals in Africa in the collection
of the fruits of the coca and those were local African officials using weapons ,
kidnapping of women and children and their employment and traded weapons and smuggled
it and buy it.
اما بخصوص الفساد
فجدير بالذكر ان شركات كبرى و عالمية فى افريقيا تساهلت فى تشغيل النساء و الاطفال
بالسخرة عن طريق مجرمين محليين فى افريقيا فى جمع ثمار الكوكا و قام هؤلاء
المسئولين المحلين باستخدام السلاح و خطف النساء و الاطفال و تشغيلهم و تاجروا
بالسلاح و تهريبه و شراءه ...
Thus, these
major company takes the fruits and make them chocolate and other industries for
Europe for the European people to enjoy on the
account of the dignity and blood of Africans. ..Wasn't this a criminal activity? Is the United
Nations outlawed child labor or abducted , kidnapped women and forced labor . Even
if these actions were criminalized in the form of ink on paper. Was it
prevented from happening ? Did the international laws, the UN, or the
international community stop the greed of the owners of capital? Of course
the answer is not
بالتالى كانت تلك
الشركة الكبرى تأخذ الثمار و تصنع بها الشيكولاته و الصناعات الاخرى فى اوروبا
..ليستمتع الشعب الاوروبى على حساب كرامة و دماء الافارقة ...الم يكن هذا من
الاعمال الاجرامية؟ هل جرمت الامم المتحدة تشغيل الاطفال او خطفهم و خطف النساء او
تشغيلهم بالسخرة و لو جرمت فى شكل حبر على ورق هل منعت حدوث ذلك و جشع اصحاب رؤس
الاموال..بالطبع لا
Our worldwide universal problem is to first of
Reshape the world order
fight poverty
the fight of corruption
overseas corrupted and
Overseas criminals
Modernize a new
innovated method of fighting all sorts of corruption.
promote democracy for
a new agreed standards
which must be met in all member states and accounting
participate in the information system expose
the venal and corrupt and criminals worldwide
العالمية هى ..اولا و قبل اى شىء ....اعادة تشكيل نظام عالمى نزيه ..ثم محاربة
الفقر و محاربة الفساد و نشر الديموقراطية بوضع معايير متفق عليها جديدة لابد من
توافرها فى كل الدول الاعضاء و نظام محاسبة ..و نظام اعلامى يشارك فى فضح المرتشين
و الفاسدين و المجرمين عالميا ...
The following some important point the international community and UN should be concerned about if the UN and the international community needed change and more efficiency
Governments integrity
Governments neutrality Corruption or the lack
of government corruption
Democratic governments
and how close or far of corruption, racism or tribalism and its management
system Citizens' awareness
the legal and judicial
system and its integrity and impartiality
مصداقية الحكومات
نزاهة الحكومات
حيادية الحكومات
فساد او عدم فساد
الحكومات و مدى قربها او بعدها من الفساد
او العنصرية او القبلية و نظامها الادارى
وعى المواطنين
و النظام القانونى و
القضائى و نزاهته و حياديته
Magdi Amer
مجدى عامر