In Egypt everyday life is very hard to people and there is a siege all around all people of Egypt controls there lives the law is absent only appears for those who fat cats and even those can be deleted from the life of Egypt.Life on earth should be reconsiderd and especially in Arab world.people are good and kind but they are oppressed by their police that penetrate to everyway of life and intervines and spoils it they live in a very large prison like what happens in Gaza.
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Welcome مرحبا
I welcome all followers .I would like to thank you all for following it and highly appreciate your comments and sharing ideas .your comments and sharing is as a support to me .My goal is to defend my rights and any others' right ,making the necessarily changes by all means that is available to me in my country and the whole world to make our life better and for better world.invite your friends to help stop of all sorts of crimes against humanity (I hope to make a universal day to release all political and opinion detainees 25 of April ) to join our students brothers in Russia on this day struggling for a protest for the politiacl prisoners.دفاعا عن المظلومين و المقهورين و حقوق الانسان و الجرائم ضد الانسانيه فى العالم و فى عالمنا العربى خاصة و مصر.قد تشارك هذه المدونه مع اصدقائك او تتبعها فلا تستهين بمشاركتك بتعليق فى دقيقه قد يساهم فى انقاذ افراد او فئات او احيانا ملايين من العالم اشكركم ايجابيتكم فى العمل الحقوقى مع العلم ان هذه المدونه متصله مباشرة فور التعليق او النشر بالعديد من المنظمات الحقوقيه العالميه
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Mubarak criminal, Sisi is the Master
After the court announced That Mubarah has been Acquitted
revolutionary Egyptian youth gathered in Tahrir square that was closed by the Military forces and Police...
Both Military forces and police shot gas bombs , rubber bullets and randomly shots by machine guns
the Egyptian authorities
shots live bullet against all peaceful protests with the excuses of terrorism ,the demonstration law the is illegal and unconstitutional and with the help of the Media that attacks human rights organizations and activists all the time
1- First Martyr
# Rama_abd_aziz 24 years, severe lung bleeding after suffering a gunshot wound to the chest settled in his left lung.
2. Marty
r # Tamr_slah_abdafattah 29 years, wounding 6 live bullets eye, neck, chest and shoulder.
3. Child Martyr
# Mahmod_amer 14 years, gunshot neck.
The United Nations is supporting another dictator in Egypt only for the satisfaction of USA and Israel
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
torturing for confession للحصول على اعتراف التعذيب
تم اعتقاله و عدد من الطلبة
الجامعيين ، و تم ترحيله لما يسمى بالامن الأمن الوطنى ، و تم تعذيبه ليدلى
باعترافات لأحداث لم يشارك فيها و لا يعرف عنها شيئا، حيث تعرض للضرب و السب و
الاهانة و التعذيب بالكهرباء الى ان وصل الى ان بعطيهم ما يريدون باعتراف تحت وطأة
التعذيب و قال " انا حرقت سيارة البوليس ....انا حرقت سيارة البوليس....و لكن
ارحمونى ......ارحمونى..."
فبدأت سلسلة من الاسئلة بعدايقاف
كيف حرقت سيارة البوليس؟....رد عليهم
قائلا..اكتبوا ما تشائون و سأوقع على الاعتراف ...بدأت مضايقاتهم بانه لابد و ان
يعترف كيف حرق سيارة البوليس التى لم يحرقها فى و لا يعرف عنها شىء و لا يعرف كيف
و لا اين تم حرقها؟
فقال قولوا لى اين كانت و كيف تم
حرقها و انا اعترف.......فاستمر الضرب و التعذيب بعد ذلك .....
و يقول
انه اضطر الى ان يختلق قصص فى حرق
السيارة !
و لكنهم عذبوه و ضربوه لانه لم يعترف من كان معه......السؤال من كان
معك ؟
فى الواقع ان سيارة البوليس تم حرقها
بمعرفة رجال الشرطة قبل فجر يوم من الايام و عندما شاهد احد المواطنين الشرطة قال
للضابط " ان من حرقوا السيارة مازالوا هناك و اشار الى مكانهم " و لكن
الضباط و القوة التى كانت موجودة لم تهتم و لا تذهب للقبض على هؤلاء الذين قامو
بحرق السيارة؟
After his being arrested and a number
of university students, they all were deported to what so-called security and
national security, they were tortured to make a confession of the events though
they all did not take part and does not
know anything about it, he was one of those who were subjected to beatings,
insults, humiliation and torture with electricity to be arrived at that give then a statement what they want confession under torture and said, "I burned police car ....
I burned police car .... but ...... Mercy me Mercy me..."
I started a series of questions torturing started over again and over again
How burned police car? .... Reply
what you say I will confess I did ..and whatever you want and I will sign to acknowledge ... that
he began to be stepped up their harassment and how to recognize the burning of
the police car, which he did not set fire on it or burn and do not know about it and does
not know how and do not Where was it burnt?
He said tell me where and how they
were burned, and I'll admit ....... they kept in beatings and torture
then .....
He said
That he had to make up stories in the
burning car!
But they tortured him and beat him
because he did not recognize who was with him ...... the question of who assisted him ??
In fact, the car police were burned by
members of the police before dawn one day and when he saw one of the citizens, police
told the officer, "It is burned car still there and pointed to their place",
but the officers and the force that existed did not care and do not go to catch
those who downloaded burning car?
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
شاهد إعتقال طالبة من مدخل كلية طب الأسنان وسحلها حتى وضعها في المدرعة
Egyptian police kidnapped a Female student from the front of her collage gate...violating all laws
Thursday, November 13, 2014
violations of the laws and human rights
violations of the laws and human rights
is unstopable in Egypt
Ahmad Husam al-Din Abdel-Hakim student grade II secondary,said to "al watan (The nation) newspaper", the details of what happened to him, saying he was surprised by policemen attacking and assaulting him while passing in the Arab League street and arrest him, and when he expressed his objection to the treatment inhumane way assaulted him in front of passers-by he said, adding, "some people tried to intervene to rescue me from arguing that their hands and bodies of my intention to clarify that I am not a criminal or thug, what was the security men, but rebuked verbally abusive and shamelessly, and forced them to leave."
He said the student, "They took me to the Board of Dokki district police department, and documented my hands behind my back , and began a new wave of attacks systematic until almost utter my breath, and the more I begged them the more they increased in the attack on".
he went on, "then put me to the office of one of the officers barefoot on the order of the officer, and forced me to kneel and then sit on my knees curved head in front of him, where he ordered them to give me a new thesis of torture, and asked me to recognize possession of drugs which was in their office and owned by them, and they told me that this recognition is guaranteed staying alive, while killing me with their hands. "
is unstopable in Egypt
Ahmad Husam al-Din Abdel-Hakim student grade II secondary,said to "al watan (The nation) newspaper", the details of what happened to him, saying he was surprised by policemen attacking and assaulting him while passing in the Arab League street and arrest him, and when he expressed his objection to the treatment inhumane way assaulted him in front of passers-by he said, adding, "some people tried to intervene to rescue me from arguing that their hands and bodies of my intention to clarify that I am not a criminal or thug, what was the security men, but rebuked verbally abusive and shamelessly, and forced them to leave."
He said the student, "They took me to the Board of Dokki district police department, and documented my hands behind my back , and began a new wave of attacks systematic until almost utter my breath, and the more I begged them the more they increased in the attack on".
he went on, "then put me to the office of one of the officers barefoot on the order of the officer, and forced me to kneel and then sit on my knees curved head in front of him, where he ordered them to give me a new thesis of torture, and asked me to recognize possession of drugs which was in their office and owned by them, and they told me that this recognition is guaranteed staying alive, while killing me with their hands. "
Sunday, November 2, 2014
human rights violation in Egypt is still
Judge Mohamed Nagi Shehata, the chair judge of the
fifth district of the criminal court of Giza, was appointed to try cases of
alleged to be named as Prime ministry events , violence and violations of
public gathering In the case of public demonstration in front of the cabinet
building on Dec. 16, 2011, the court recklessly committed clear and serious
violations to the law and the constitution without regard to any kind of
1, The trial was held in a police compound in violation of the rule " the
accused is considered innocent until proven guilty".
2. The accused were not allowed in the court room, during trial, in violation
to their constitutional right and to the international human rights laws .
3. The court refused to put in record the procedural violations that were
raised by the defence.
4. The court refused to accept evidence of torture that occurred during arrest,
detention and interrogation of the accused.
5. Three of the defence lawyers were charged with contempt of court.
Violation to all known laws of the human right , the inner constitution , local
laws and the international human rights laws
While sentencing innocent people in Egypt courts gave
durng the last 3 years a huge bail fine or a fine to all activists as a
punishment for their being activists for freedom and democracy .noteworthy
these huge amount of fines are not stated in any egyptian law and here the
courts and judges violate the local law and constitution too.
With the above mentioned violations, the court has
placed itself in the position of the adversary, which sheds doubt on its
ability to be fair and non partial.
Case issue number is 8629 to the year 2011 ,in El
Sayeda Zeinab crime court which had an issue number 3528 to the year 2011 South Cairo
Please do your best to remove oppression from our world
Best regard
Magdi El Hawan
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