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I welcome all followers .I would like to thank you all for following it and highly appreciate your comments and sharing ideas .your comments and sharing is as a support to me .My goal is to defend my rights and any others' right ,making the necessarily changes by all means that is available to me in my country and the whole world to make our life better and for better world.invite your friends to help stop of all sorts of crimes against humanity (I hope to make a universal day to release all political and opinion detainees 25 of April ) to join our students brothers in Russia on this day struggling for a protest for the politiacl prisoners.دفاعا عن المظلومين و المقهورين و حقوق الانسان و الجرائم ضد الانسانيه فى العالم و فى عالمنا العربى خاصة و مصر.قد تشارك هذه المدونه مع اصدقائك او تتبعها فلا تستهين بمشاركتك بتعليق فى دقيقه قد يساهم فى انقاذ افراد او فئات او احيانا ملايين من العالم اشكركم ايجابيتكم فى العمل الحقوقى مع العلم ان هذه المدونه متصله مباشرة فور التعليق او النشر بالعديد من المنظمات الحقوقيه العالميه

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Muslim brotherhood are murderers

لى يومين بانشر مدى سوء الاخوان و بالانجليزية لافضحهم و انا فى صفحتى اصدقاء من جميع انحاء العالم و من الامم المتحدة و الاتحاد الاوروبى و الكونجرس الاميريكى ....و هذا لفضحهم فى العالم ........Muslim brotherhood are killer of their own people ...then tell the world what if they could get full control of Egypt Libya,Tunisia and Syria ...they are criminals, extremists and terrorist organised criminal group////please sharefacebook page for the Muslim brotherhood under the name of Brotherhood Association in the world Tahrir Square was fully opened from all directions, and 60 persons with criminal record (anyone protests for legal demands is called a criminal, a thug or bully by the Islamists) have been arrested and a number of weapons and incendiary bottles
And camps were removed and cleared from the square
A special tribute to the police and our president, who let them hang themselves with their own ropes and did not have to pay Islamist youths to kill them, as happened in the Federal Palace ( Here is their official Recognition of killing revolutionay protesters in front of the Fedral palace of Morsi )
this which exposed the saboteurs who wear dress of rebels
And camps were removed and cleared from the squareA special tribute to the police and our president, who let them hang themselves with their own ropes and did not have to pay Islamist youths to kill them, as happened in the Federal Palace ( Here is their official Recognition of killing revolutionary protesters in front of the Federal palace of Morsi )this which exposed the saboteurs who wear dress of rebels

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